Parakeet Acting a Bit Strange (updated)

Poppyflower's picture
Hello, everyone c: I know this isn`t exactly a veterinary site, but I know a lot of people here own pets, so...

About...a half an hour ago, my father called me downstairs because of my bird. Apparently, he was half asleep in his cage when he suddenly started flailing around. By the time my dad got to him, he was clinging to the side of his cage for dear life. My dad took him out of his cage, and he seemed to be okay. In fact, he`s a lot more active at the present moment than he usually is (it`s close to his bedtime). He`s screaming and flying around, which he does more during the day.

The main problem here is the fact that he won`t go back in his cage. He occasionally peers into it, as if he`s inspecting something in there. As far as I know, there`s nothing in his cage that would scare him.

My dad and I talked it over, and we agree that he probably had a nightmare (which is possible for budgies/parakeets) and got spooked. Him refusing to go back into his cage wouldn`t be a problem if we didn`t have to go to bed soon (about an hour and 10 minute). His cage is usually covered between 9 and 9:30, and it`s about 10 to 9 now.

So, I was wondering is anyone had a similar experience and could offer some advice? As I mentioned before, I know not everyone here has a bird, but you`ve always been good at helping each other out. c:

EDIT: He`s back in his cage now, though he still seems a little nervous. We covered his cage, and I`m hoping that he`ll calm down soon ♥

Thank you in advance!

I've had two cockatiels that

I've had two cockatiels that did the same stuff; flipping out for no reason, screaming, flailing on the cage so hard with their wings that it'd shake. I figured it was night terrors/frights, but eh. Turning on the light the moment either would start was enough to get them to stop mid-panic.

I'm no professional, lol, but get a couple nightlights for him? Parakeets, cockatiels, and basically diurnal birds in general can only see about as much as a human can in pitch darkness..which ain't much. Easy to spook.