Oh, TEF.

Zergarikiaka's picture
You have become my home away from home.
My favorite place.

Whenever I recall where I came from,
the places I've managed,
crap I've overcome,

This place shines brighter than before.

I've never before known such a welcoming and open community.
Nor have I known so many accepting and brilliant people.

Again, I just feel I need to say...
I love all of you.

Thank you for being not just a community,
but a family.

Who could ask for more.
ocean's picture


-petsnuggle- <3
Pegasicorn's picture

*squeezes...and tosses a

*squeezes...and tosses a Midnight at*
Haru's picture


J!n's picture




Baw <3
I'm glad TEF could be that place for you. Smiling