An Odd Treo (COLORED)

Zergarikiaka's picture
I said I'd color it, and I did. >3
Custard's picture

Aww that's awsome. I love

Aww that's awsome. I love that chain on the big deer C:
:: Updates ::
Zergarikiaka's picture

X3 Thank you.

X3 Thank you.

Aegle's picture

Love it <3! -whispers-

Love it <3!
-whispers- Aegle had purple eyes. ^^' But thats ok!
Aegle's picture

--- whoops

--- whoops
Pegasicorn's picture

8D <3 And the trio is still

8D <3
And the trio is still just as odd. XD

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."