
Sleepything's picture
Mature content! Should be pretty tame for the most part but as a general warning for anything that might happen.
None of my ocs are interested in having kids! I'm always up for rp though and always hoping for my characters to make some new connections, plots and all that are welcome.
I only rp with people who are 18+!
some of my other OCs will likely be around to low key participate, Sky-Sight and Olaniyi specifically mainly to observe and socialize or spar.

also just a lil note but i will be inactive during the weekdays! if my characters are in forest however, please feel free to treat them as observers and still open to rps! brit may or may not move them around for me LMAO.

Braith, him/he, young adult. bio, toyhouse.
♦ Mainly interested in socializing, taking it easy this year.
♦ Big respect for personal space and boundaries, due to past experiences is very much on guard and unlikely to reciprocate affections (will only with those who he's comfy with!).

♦ Taveer! Oriana, Engla, Aleta, Dorit.

♦ Everyone.


Still pretty injured with a fractured rib from a fight a week or so ago, unlikely to do much other than observe or play judge for now!

Ronra, she/her, adult. toyhouse.
♦ The laziest competitor.
♦ Very strong and large but not as agile or speedy.
♦ Likely to switch to judge while resting or easily give her place up.
♦ Mostly just likes to lounge and be social!
♦ Only affectionate in response to affection from others! Happily partnered with Circe.

♦ hER wIfe


we'll see.

Nélida, she/her, young adult, bio. toyhouse.
♦ Mainly interested in watching the event, not super keen on judging but likely to participate when the mood strikes. Highly likely to go with friends and family over strangers.
♦ Very interested in sparring!
♦ Due to her disabled leg, she's not always keen on playful antics but always happy to watch and participate in her own way.
♦ Not very flirtatious with strangers, doesn't really find feral appearances attractive (very human minded!) outside of shallow aesthetics but usually willing to reciprocate some low key affection!

♥ Aleta, Taveer, Ingólfr, Yasu, Eremes

♦ ...

09. 11. 2020.

Devani, she/her, adult, bio.
♦ Not really interested in participating but might force herself to herd hop, likely to be social.
♦ Very much interested in making friendships.
♦ Her kids and family take priority over everything as usual.
♦ May be treated as a judge and may act as one but likely not loyal to any competitor, enjoys a good spectacle though.
♦ Has certain 'tastes' when it comes to those trying to win favor, affinity for all things supernatural and weird.
♦ With that said, does not take to affection well from most males and competitors or anyone being pushy. Already has a romantic partner!
♦ Can be abrupt and cold if something or someone makes her uncomfortable.

♦ ...
♦ ...
♦ ...

I doubt I'll update her much.

Easca, she/her, adult. bio, toyhouse.
♦ Interested in seeing and meeting new and old faces.
♦ Judges on actions versus appearance or brute strength.
♦ Mainly interested in other judges, is quite doting and protective of any observers and participants near her.
♦ Likely to defer to her partner when it comes to flirtations, as long as UY is comfortable or receptive to affections then she likely will be as well. Not really interested in males but for the sake of the event, is generally okay with affection from them.
♦ May be a little less playful or jovial, a bit more reserved this year.

♦ UY, Greitai

♦ ...




LostintheEcho's picture


Sigi by Wake

(No subject)

Togetherness's picture






Sig: Aihnna

Clare's picture

ok well ems bumped it already

ok well ems bumped it already so here i am
Rouda's picture


ShrinkingRose's picture

I'm gonna be here too.

I'm gonna be here too.

rut hut

rut hut


Spirituelle's picture

track of course

track of course <3

sits here

sits here


Thais's picture

a track!

a track! Smiling
Display pic by crabbycrown ♥
Apeldille's picture

a track

a track

(No subject)

by paperflesh
Acurna's picture

:0 I wasn't here already?

:0 I wasn't here already?
Echosong's picture


OkamiLugia's picture



(No subject)

Mis's picture

She impressed Harin!! Can't

She impressed Harin!! Can't believe I hadn't tracked this yet
Solaya's picture

*leaves a track

*leaves a track here*

Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer

how i am not here???

how i am not here???

(No subject)
