Ranza's Art Blog

Apparanza's picture
Many images ahead~

This blog will/may contain:
` Doodles/sketches/WIPs
` Non-TEF art (usually will just be another animal)
` Violence/blood
` Disturbing images (for example, a figure twisted in unnatural ways)
` Humans? Idk probably just faces or something, if any at all

Drag images to the address bar to see their full-sized versions (:
Newest are (usually) at the top.

Screenshot edit blog

deviantART | Adoptable blog | Requests blog | Giftart blog


FRIIHA SKETCHES ♥ I should seriously play her more, and do more with her. She's always been/will always be incredibly close to my heart and I draw her all the time anyway 8[
Does anyone remember Raven's character Satchel? He's the canine frolicking with Friiha in the bottom one ;u;

11/11/16 - Mellamie sketches ♥ I added her freckles last minute because otherwise she'd look just like her mam! Might end up refining/coloring a couple of these, especially the bust on the left since I rly like how she looks there.

11/9/16 - Little Gris 'n Beñat sketch ;u; Gotta draw Gris more... I have two or three doodles in my head, just gotta get 'em out!

11/8/16 - This is Knave (feat. Rav's doge char Grave on the bottom)! He's currently a non-TEF character (who'll prObably end up here one day) - he was a custom-designed Joker Hound, a species made up by VVabu on deviantART. I forgot to add the diamond on his chest, as seen here (by VVabu). I'LL FIX IT ONE DAY
I have two other Joker Hounds - Queen and Labyrinth! Queen was once VVabu's character whom I adopted, and Labyrinth was my first custom before I got Knave.



ROFL okay so the other night Monroe was being mopey because Ross died but then HE FOUND ABHIRI and she was an A+ distraction. She's too adorable and easy to mess with to be sad around her, in his opinion (plus he wasn't sure if she was aware that her cousin died...... and this was before Zorn revealed to him that Ross could come back to life, so he was like nnnnNNNOT GONNA BE THE BEARER OF BAD NEWS THIS TIME). These were just messy doodles I did, inspired by a couple interactions of theirs during their fun times together! Although I'm sure 'Bhiri wouldn't agree that being bloodsnotted on was all that fun... but no matter, he's convinced he'll be able to successfully convert her to Monroeism. One day she will view his blood as a gift, he says... one d a y



WIP (and closeup) of a grayscale Reina for a raben
Also trying to be brave and go lineliness in some parts. I'd really love to experiment more with this style. It's taking me hours to do but SO DOES EVERYTHING ELSE, SO!!! Hopefully I'll have time to spare that I can dedicate to at least a couple more of these!
I also have 197123092183 wips of attempts at looser sketches 8[ WILL POST THOSE WHEN I FINISH 'EM TOO



I recently took over ownership of Mellamie, the daughter of my old character Skelarrow and Nopje's lovely doe Waarhijd. This is her redesigned appearance, and I'll be making her new CSS eventually as well. A little more info about her can be found here



It's been a few months since I posted in here because CLASSES ARE HARD ;; Free time hasn't been too easy to come by - in fact this was the worst summer I've had since I can remember. I had so many plans and intended to be active af around here, but that definitely didn't happen :c So I'm just gonna toss a bunch of sketches and doodles I've done since.. May? idek anymore what is time

Lexi 'n Levi doodles. Had some muse for them since they are grieving deeply for the recently-deceased Sevigne ;; ♥ (I'd forgotten how much I loved drawing Alexei! Even though her markings destroy my hand...... but THE PAIN IS WORTH IT, all the love at Quam for designing such intricate gorgeousness)

Plague without his antlers because I still don't know how I want them to look at this angle AND I was too lazy to add them in anyway because I'm incapable of more detailed/'finished' pieces atm, sigh. I DO LIKE THE VIBE OF THIS PIECE THOUGH

WELL, her name's Biasi and I'm still figuring out the rest, but I wanted another human-faced character because pRACTICE IS NEEDED. Her body's b&w only because I cannot for the life of me settle on colors or even markings.. so both of these are still giant wips but yEAH this girl will probs wake up in TEF one of these days. Dunno if a bio will be made tho - might stick to a tumblr bio at first once I get around to making it? we shall c

And then there's also this goliath beetle boy :///... may I rest in peace

Renata and June - the two have yet to actually meet, but Raven and I were imagining what it might be like (and I freaking love the beauty that is Renata's design - JD you've got skills) so thus this doodle was born.

I did this quite a while ago actually, but for some reason never posted it?? SMOKE FRIIHA.

Noemi and Beñat sketch!



I haven't shared much of my traditional art on here (IDK WHY, I totally will now), but I thought I'd share a couple! I actually made it at the end of 2014, but I still love it so much. It was my final project for my Mixed Media Painting class! It's a sculpture of Vol in a style that is supposed to seem as if it could be placed in a shrine of some sort (since Vol is a god). Those are real whitetail antlers, the twigs I got from the forest behind my house (and spray-painted them gold), and there are bones in the nest that you may or may not be able to see (plus a turkey feather and paper rose)!

Here's one more traditional art! I did this in late 2014 too, during the same class/semester of uni as the Vol sculpture. It was a style appropriation assignment, so we had to pick a contemporary artist whose style we were to appropriate - but we were to come up with our own subject to make it our own. I chose Italian artist Marco Mazzoni, who uses only colored pencils in his art. My parents were wonderful and bought me a set of the same brand of colored pencils that Mazzoni uses (Faber-Castell Polychromos), so I used them in this piece. My subject was Emahi, a marbled fox who once represented me (but still does to a degree). I included poppies since they're my favorite flower (thx TEF) and they represent sleep/dreams - Emahi came to me in a dream-like experience I had. I also included Death's Head Hawkmoths since.. they're my favorite moths LOL but also because they represent death and rebirth (Emahi has antlers growing from her shoulders, and antlers symbolize life regeneration as well since they drop/grow back).

Forgot to put this up earlier (did it 5 days ago or so) but it's my half of a sketch art trade with Kali/Scythe! This is Amelia, and look at the June she did for me! ♥



Testing out a more painterly style! Trying to practice with that.
Raise your hand if you want a bloody Monroe kiss ;y



A late-night Monroe sketch! He's probably thinking something dirty.

A loose sketch of when Gris met Umay - tOOK LONGER THAN IT LOOKS because felines are still my weakness. But, I'm happy I finally doodled ooms after like.. too many years of not drawing her 8[ ♥
I plan on continuing to do these loose sketchy-style doodles of Grisaille's interactions, so expect more of 'em!

Did this a while ago - Virus and Jecca! This is half of Jecca's new design - still gotta draw up her updated ref. Meanwhile have a couple concept sketches of what her true moth deer form might've looked like before she entered TEF:



hi caleb

- 2015 and older -


Bloody Monroe kisses, 0/10 would not recommend {unless you're a vampire}



oOPS, forgot to put June here - finished this a couple days ago, a new ref of sorts. Darkened and warmed her gray colors a bit (but looking at it now, I might warm them a little more). Also added her neck scar.



"Of Thorns"
Malikorin. New antler design inspired by a lovely sketch Unplugged drew of him years ago.

A subtle re-design of an olddd character Umbra, who was initially created in 2012. She still visits the forest from time to time using this picto.


Beñat for Echo ;u;

Quick sketch of an RP scene with Malik, Tor, and Rosalie from a little while ago.

WIP of Noemi's updated design~



Alexei from a while ago. FINALLY USING THIS AMAZING QUAMAR DESIGN. I darkened the original colors to better suit her.

My redesigned Feonix, Tamsa. I've always loved Tatchit's species and created one back in '13, but I didn't like her design anymore and gave her a total makeover.



Neiro from a week ago or so! Experimented with thicker lineart. I doodled him again but haven't completed that one yet. I'll post it here when I finish~



Jecca and her first mothling Thienete ♥

Forgot to put Plague here last time I updated! FORGIVE ME PLAGUE


Drew Leila a few weeks ago ♥ Summer's just a few days away, so hopefully I'll be able to get some more current art in here soon.

June and Solene! I drew this March 28th, forgot to put it here.
Gotta draw June's new ref soooon.

A very rough sketch of my Halfcanter I custom ordered from Nhyra a long time ago. Her name's Syahi {meaning 'ink'} but usually just accepts the nicknames/titles others may call her since she doesn't often give out her name. She's popped up in TEF a few times with this picto. She is typically elusive and solitary in nature, but in TEF she has more of a pack mentality because of the unfamiliarity of the forest - gotta team up with some buddies. She has never encountered humans/the human world and relies a lot on instinct/body language, but is capable of communicating verbally {although her words won't be too eloquent or substantial}. I'D SAY MORE but this description is getting long, so here is her tumblr/bio.

This is almost a year old LOL but I don't often draw humans. It's a portrait of my IRL friend 8D I want to branch out and experiment more with humans this summer, so I'm probably gonna use him and another friend or two as victims.

I did this in 2014 too but I thought I'd share it here anyway. It's a latex rubber mask I made from scratch, and it'd be wearable if I ever find the courage to cut out the eyes {probably won't}. I was inspired by ravens, ibex, and Death's Head Hawkmoths, and decided to turn the design into an actual character named Kallo. He's a púca! I have a couple other non-TEF púca characters too - they're interesting creatures.


A gift for Nopje! And maybe a very belated birthday present too, since her birthday was earlier this month ♥
I spent a long time on this, and I wish I could put this much detail into all of my artwork.



I'm just having a very hard time trying to decide between hair/mane colors 8( The white is cool and would make him unique from his siblings, but that's one of the things about the black - he'd be more cohesive with the rest of the family. Originally he was gonna have white hair, and I made it black just for fun... but then I really really liked how it looked LOL

A quick June before bed ♥


Commission for Tisority of Envy.

Human Leila.
Alternate version:

Vol and Nidhem sketch with a little bit of color, from a few days ago. This is how Vol's supposed to look {in b&w} - I need to draw him a new ref picture that is more accurate. I need to draw more in general ff

Quick Malik sketches from yesterday afternoon. Tried to practice a little bit of perspective but he looks short-bodied instead LOL. Those are his new antlers by the way, or at least a concept. Gotta draw them more accurately/in a way that is easier to see. Ugh I need to work on his bio so much but it's so hard CSS why.
I want to be able to do more than just sketches but playing around with these ink brushes seem to be all I can do at the moment 8[

I'd like to get another div in here for screenshot edits... maybe I'll do that soon. I love doing those.

Man I can't believe I haven't posted anything here since last year. This last semester of uni was so busy. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY
These are traditional because my grandfather came over yesterday and drew with me {I get all my artistic genes from him}. A sketch of Friiha using a black crayon, and a WIP of Vol~
I turned all images from 2012-2013 into links so this blog will take less time to load C:

Friiha from a few days ago. Been a long time since I last drew her, and I got inspired while listening to her playlist. I wish I could have more inspiration to draw in general ;;
And another note - I haven't been able to get pictos to spread properly for over a month, and since about a week ago I can't get in at all ;A; I know I'm not the only one with this problem, but hopefully it's fixed soon.


An updated bust of human Friiha. I need to draw all of her soon.
Tried out a new style with a new brush, and I looove it. I'll be using it a lot more.
Usually I'm really scared of posting the humans I draw but this came out pretty much exactly how I had it in my head, so I wanted to share ♥

More Inali. Had this in my head for a while.

Inali sketches! Haven't drawn her in too long, and I've missed playing her.

Plague's new design from a couple days ago~

Sketches of Neiro and some of his closer relations 8D

A few Malik sketches before bed ♥


It's been exactly seven months since Vol first entered the forest, and I've finally just now finished his ref picture for his stag form ff.

Kaeltiir for Han 8D
Testing out a new lineless style~

I really adore rabbits, and have for a long time. I have no idea why I've barely ever drawn one, so I fixed that B)
This is Jioni, whose name translates to 'dusk' in Swahili. She's a hare c:

This is Selo {whose name means 'cello' in Indonesian}, a son of one of my other horse characters, Nevermore.

I've been wanting to draw Neiro more, so I've been working on/planning a few pictures of him with some of his relations. Here's Neiro and Shay! 8D

I've always loved Tatchit's Feonix species, and finally found the time to design my own. This girl doesn't have a name yet, but was a lot of fun to draw C:

Mieraak for Whey ♥
Gonna draw Kael for Han soon, too 8D

Finally got around to drawing Ilmestys, if only a bust. Been trying to get through an art block lately :C

My half of a trade with Kimi; her Isobel ♥

WIP of a new Leila picture.


Galaxy Friiha.

A new design for Gage. Thought I'd try something different by giving him a human face.

Friiha floating.

This is Vol, a shapeshifter. He's been a recurring doodle for years but I never actually made him anything more than a sketch until 2011. I really enjoy drawing and roleplaying him, and have repeatedly considered bringing him into TEF {perhaps with his stag form} but I don't think I could unless I retired some of my other deer first. WHO KNOWS, maybe someday you'll see this guy walking around.

I needed an updated picture of Cervena~

Friiha (8

My 'doodle' of Pandora with a skull mask turned into this somehow xD

My new Saluki character {non-TEF} 8D No name for her yet, but I have a bit of her backstory/current life ideas down already~

Friiha and her new friend Satchel! ♥

x x
She appears in this form sometimes, much less skinny and not so petite anymore. Her personality alters just a bit while a male too - she becomes more protective and bolder.

"There's a place in the dark where the animals go
You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow
Juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands
Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo"
This is Cannibal, one of my favorite and oldest horse characters, ever. I used to play him here as a deer, but removed him because of his low activity level.

ROFL this is Neiro's makeover by Shay, drawn some days ago B) Some deer spelled him with peacock feathers, so to make him pretty she used his blood for lipstick and blueberry juice for eyeshadow. He thought he looked amazing indeed until he saw himself in the Pond's reflection.

Randomly drew Malik with a skull mask, even though he doesn't actually have one.
/too lazy to draw his full antlers[/center]
Qanat's picture

HAH B3 eeeheeehuuuu

HAH B3 eeeheeehuuuu
Apparanza's picture

Was waiting to see who'd

Was waiting to see who'd claim it B}

By Leuvr
Tuo's picture

... I am late to the party as

... I am late to the party as always.

-rolls over everyone-
Apparanza's picture



By Leuvr




Apparanza's picture





By Leuvr

i admire your unusually sweet

i admire your unusually sweet style.. so i'll spy dis ;//;
Apparanza's picture

Aww! Thank you very much

Aww! Thank you very much ♥ ;u;

By Leuvr

I cant boleeb im not tracking

I cant boleeb im not tracking this
Apparanza's picture


;u; ♥

By Leuvr
Firefli's picture

Love dis all

Love dis all ♥
Trackytrack (:
RikkaChan's picture

Hellooo.~ :3

Hellooo.~ :3
Apparanza's picture

Firefliii, thank

Firefliii, thank you~♥

Hey Rikka! (B

By Leuvr
Xemi's picture

Already told you how much I

Already told you how much I love this ;; I have no words <333 thank you sooo muchhdfdj ;; ♥
din's picture

v's so handsome. im loving

v's so handsome. im loving how you outlined him in the same color his flowers are.
i love your style, and it just keeps getting better and better!
Apparanza's picture

Ahh, I'm really glad to hear

Ahh, I'm really glad to hear that! You're always so sweet ;; ♥

By Leuvr
din's picture

why does your dericious art

why does your dericious art load so slowly like
Apparanza's picture

FF I don't know :C /laaate

FF I don't know :C /laaate

By Leuvr

HMHNGG Those wings That

HMHNGG Those wings
That birdskull.
It's Sol, right?

Also really loving those barely-there wisps from Friiha!

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

Vala 's picture

I should come here more

I should come here more often....♥
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Clare's picture

God that Freehee sketch is

God that Freehee sketch is gorgeous. Totally killed the style there. And Vol is always wonderful to look at. Lovelovelove. You must post more traditional pieces!
RikkaChan's picture

Vol is such a neat-looking

Vol is such a neat-looking character!
Honeyfur's picture

OOOO Ranza artss

OOOO Ranza artss <33
Apparanza's picture

@Niri: It's Vol 8D Thank you

@Niri: It's Vol 8D Thank you so much ;u;

@Vala: Aww! You're so sweet, always.

@Raven: YOU'RE WONDERFUL TO LOOK AT. Eee, I will if I do more ♥

@Rikka: As a shapeshifter he's always changing, but I'm really glad you like how he looks in those pictures. Thank you 8D

@Honeyfur: AHH thank you so much! ♥

By Leuvr
Unplugged's picture

holy shit your art is so

holy shit your art is so gorgeous ;_;
Apparanza's picture

Oh my goodness gracious, that

Oh my goodness gracious, that fills me with so much joy ;O; Thanks so much, Unplugged ♥

By Leuvr
Darkcircles's picture

Ah your art is so nice c: and

Ah your art is so nice c: and this new boy of yours is very interesting looking. Dimitri's siblings have met him and so has Etro. He seems really cool. I like the black haired design too.

Brilliant collection of

Brilliant collection of artwork you got there O:
-must track-

Salome's picture

Just found him on the map and

Just found him on the map and I'm so glad you went with the white mane! He looks so handsome c:
Snowsauria's picture

I agree with Schutz, both

I agree with Schutz, both versions looks great but I like the white mane the most. n_n
Apparanza's picture

@Darkcircles: Thank you so

@Darkcircles: Thank you so much! ;A; And yes, he's taken a liking to little Devereux and it was nice to meet Etro earlier today as well. Hopefully I'll have a bio up for him sometime soon ♥
I really do love the black 8[ But I think what I've decided to do is give him white hair for the winter and have it change to black during the summer!

@Luksus: Ahh thank you! ;U;

@Schutz & Snow: He'll have white during the winter and then it'll shift to black during the summer. I couldn't think of any other solution since I love both versions LOL
I'm so glad you guys think so, thank you both ♥

By Leuvr
Snowsauria's picture

Oh I see, that's a neat

Oh I see, that's a neat solution as well. :'b

that's so beautiful ;v; I

that's so beautiful ;v;
I think the white hair would be very interesting and unique undeed.
agrhasjiughfia I love your artttt <3

Apparanza's picture

I'm so glad to hear that! 8D

I'm so glad to hear that! 8D Thank you so much Nopje, seeing a comment from you made me really happy and I love your art too ♥

By Leuvr

-pats slowly-

-pats slowly-

Thank you, Tuo and Kohva!

Silverfang's picture

Dunno how I haven't tracked

Dunno how I haven't tracked this yet. ;< Ughhh I adore your style so much, always an absolute joy to see it. ♥

Ahhh so good~ You put a lot

Ahhh so good~ You put a lot of motion and character in these. <3
Apparanza's picture

Immense thanks to you guysss

Immense thanks to you guysss ;U; ♥

By Leuvr
Qanat's picture

i'd say stop bein such an

i'd say stop bein such an amazing gd artist but i kno u wudn't listen
PLUSALSODON'TEVERSTOP ugh you're improving by leaps and bounds i swear to gAAAhd. and such a distinct style. could spot ranza art anywhere
sry had to latenight gush :/
Apparanza's picture

/plugs ears like im 5 BUT OMG

/plugs ears like im 5
BUT OMG ;; It's seriously wonderful to hear that I'm improving because I feel like my art has been at a standstill for like... over a year |: SO YAY I'M GLAD ♥
Also, u apologize agin, u die. This is music to my ears ok

By Leuvr

I LOVE the design of Jecca

I LOVE the design of Jecca and Thienete so much it makes me want to draw them ;v; <3
it's soo beautiful!

riddledrhyme's picture

Just wanted to stop by and

Just wanted to stop by and say I've always admired your art ♥
The way you portray deer anatomy is just stunning!
Mauvable's picture


Apparanza's picture

Oh gosh, thanks you guys! ;U;

Oh gosh, thanks you guys! ;U; ♥

By Leuvr
IvyChain's picture

Those screenshot edits are

Those screenshot edits are marvelous, as well as your art ♥
symphyon's picture

Your art is like nothing

Your art is like nothing else, sooo seriously gorgeous. <33
Apparanza's picture

@Ivy: Thank you so much!

@Ivy: Thank you so much! ♥

@Symph: Omg, thank you! ;; ♥

By Leuvr
Mjrn's picture

So much beauty in this blog.

So much beauty in this blog.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Tuhka's picture

Was gonna comment here

Was gonna comment here earlier but got distracted.
Just wanted to say that you really made Alexei's design even better by darkening the colors. It's still like, one of my fucking favorite adoptable designs I've made so far and glad to see some art of the character. <3
Also love that Feonix drawing, it's so striking!
Kamaya's picture

I love your

I love your art~