Redesigning Verve.

Mis's picture
Hey guys! Since I'm quite proud of how this is working out, I just have to post this new design.

Gehirn and Trees their daughter Verve. I went to take another look at mom's and dad's designs to see if I could match her up a bit better, and got rid of some markings, added some new ones.
But mainly, I've been thinking about where she has been whilst not in TEF. I haven't played her in a long time but haven't been able to give her away either..

So I made this a blog entry and not a picture post since it may get updated with more thoughts and things in the future. Maybe not, I'll see. What I realised with her last design overhaul was that I really loved the african face I gave her then. So I went all the way. Where dad has a very european face, I'd think mom the traveller would've looked more foreign had she had a human face.

So I asked my gorgeous brazillian friend to send me some pictures of herself for me to reference of, and I used some pictures on the internet as well. I did some research on brazillian/african religions. Lots of mixes out there, very neat. But whilst drawing her I felt like I shouldn't restrict myself, but grab things I find interesting and work on combinations. That may not turn out ideal though!

So far I have been reading on Quimbanda. It's a very raw religion, still using animal offers and food, etc. They also associate colors with either honesty (white) or black/red (agression). I made use of that for her facial paints.

Skulls are also very prominent in Quimbanda, which is why I use some skull designs in the paints. I'd like her to wear different masks in-forest to represent these facial paintings too. Perhaps make some paintings based on the masks with different colors.

Oh! I feel I should elaborate on the many hand prints on the first drawing. So I had it in mind she joins an african tribe, and doesn't get eaten. She gets threated like a blessing, and thus is decorated with beads and necklaces, etc. The hands are from the tribe. Verve is very tall. For now I have it in mind that, how higher they could place their painted hand, the better their blessing. But I haven't based that on anything but painted cows in India, haha. I just really like the image.

Yes, Verve's the first black shadow. Daddy's behind her. She surely got her length from him, though is not as musculair at all. I'm even thinking the hands on her body are too low right now, but we'll see.

Oh yes. One final front-view. Very difficult to draw for me.

She has slit-eyes like her mother. And for now, I think that is all I can imagine. Maybe I'll put some more sense into this.
Anyway, feedback/ideas/critique is as always welcomed. I don't think I'm going to be extremely elaborate on her as I've been on characters, but feedback is always amazing.

Sorry for the enormous amount of text! You can just scroll to the pictures and ignore it!
GlobalBeauty's picture

I read and admired those

I read and admired those pictures.

I like the lankiness she has. And the plot idea is really unique. I also had a small idea for a face-painting, if you want. I thought maybe it could involve finger-print-like patterns to tie in with the hand prints on her body. ^^''

I will definitely be looking in on this to see what you come up with.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Ourania's picture

This... omg. This is freaking

This... omg. This is freaking amazing. I love it all ;o;
Sighthoundlady's picture

I am just loving the whole

I am just loving the whole idea of her and her strong African attributes, as well as the back story you are developing for her. I know you where worried about the frontal face view, but you did awesome and it definitely looks consistent with her profile view. You’re good at this! All very inspiring to see this process, she’s great!
ocean's picture

I adore this.

I adore this. Just...everything about this design is wonderful, haha.
I'm incredibly fond of the beads and all hanging from her antlers. And her build is very awesome!
Inspired by interesting things as well...
Ah, I just love how much thought you put into this.

I'll shut up now. Sticking out tongue
Mis's picture

GB: I hoped to give her a

I hoped to give her a more finger-painting type of.. Well facepaint! But it's not that easy. So easy to drown into details, and I was wondering how it'd look if she'd apply it herself. o_o'

Thanks! It's been taking me some time too, pft.

I don't believe you >8C HAHA kidding thanks. It is still an evil front view though. Glad you like it XD

Thank you! I had beads in her hair in her last design, but I loved her bald look so much I figured in the antlers would work too if not better.
Thank you! A lot of more thought to come, I love me some research.
Noo don't shut up haha ;_; XD
Snowsauria's picture

Gah, all of this is so

Gah, all of this is so awesome. ♥
I especially love all those various facial paints.
GlobalBeauty's picture

I could see her with a bunch

I could see her with a bunch of paints at the edge of the river, trying to hold a brush between her front knees to apply the stuff.
Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo
Mis's picture

Snow: Thank you very much I

Thank you very much Smiling I hope to come up with more of those.

Really? Rofl. I had imagined she'd use her knee, a twig of sorts or perhaps
Hahaha XDD I'm sure something will come up.

I love seeing the 'behind the

I love seeing the 'behind the scenes' stuff for characters so this is a real treat. It's cool that you're crossing over her time out of TEF with her design, it's a nice way to get an exotic design with a solid background reason. Nice job!