Syongery-Ytuh; let the world burn

Apeldille's picture

okay css is too much work atm, here have some dumb info instead. there will be a pretty bio eventually.
(Syo is a character, don't take her actions personally! Please tell me me if you find any of her actions troubling.)

Content warning: Blood/gore/abuse, possibly nsfw themes (tho I will keep it pretty tame), lots of swearing because Syo has a foul mouth.
Ok, extra emphasis on the swearing bit - if you don't like that, don't read her updates. Sorry sorry.

And all interactions are super welcome!

bodyExcellent - mindPretty good.

"Well damn."

Was sleeping, then rudely woken by someone -- was gonna give them an earful but realized it was Mika. Annoyance melted away when she saw that the kid seemed pretty down. Asked what the matter was, got told that the kid's family were at it again. Damnit. Didn't have any good advice, just let the kid hide for a bit. Then dragged her off, trying to find a distraction. Found Grete. Success! Jumped and ran around with the kid and the other troll for a while before it suddenly turned into a great party with lots of people (Mika, Grete, Ehretia, Thais, Watu, others, sorry too many). Had a good time, then plopped down to nap.

Walked around a bit, happened upon a group (Grete, Alice, Nimh, Kiosydan, Sloane, others??) Was dragged into frolicking by Grete. Ok. Played around a bit, then sat down with the rest of the group. Hello strangers, don't mind me. After some time two weird lion-owl-things with hands?? came around and creeped? Or what did they? we just don't know. Syo found them really weird at least, and got angry when they got into her personal space. Did some kicking, mostly for show.

Walked off after a while to take a nap on the playground rocks. Later found a giant frog. Showed it to Grete, who was very enthusiastic, but not sure about its nutritional value ("im not eating that shit"). More for Syo then. Tried to eat, poke and squish it. Weird magic frogs didn't seem disturbed at all, then it teleported away. Some weirdass forest shit right there. Syo decided to keep it as a pet.

Then she wanted to get Grete drunk on mushrooms. Went pretty well until Grete got turned into a frog. Went to the pond with the troll-frog. Laughed a lot at Grete biting people's feet. Only tried to step on her once. maybe twice. Played around in the water until she went out too far and also got TURNED INTO A FROG. shit. Slight panic, then angry troll in the mud.

Eventually went back to the logs place, found Mika. Yay hi floppy kid! Then took a nap.


Name: Syongery-Ytuh, Syo
Gender: we just don't know *Trolls do not recognise the same genders as us, and have a much looser definition of the term. I tend to use she/her pronouns for Syo, but it really doesn’t matter. If someone refuse to fight her because they think she’s a female, she’ll just laugh and thank them for making it so easy while she kicks their ass.
Species: Outside of the forest, a troll; inside, shifts into a troll-horse / goat shape
Age: ~500 years or so, adult
Size: pretty big, 1.65 m at the shoulder
Set: Magpie pelt, ram antlers, noh mask
References: (links to come)
Diet: Omnivorous; eats everything *finds the flesh of her enemies particularly good
Scent: smells like mud and moss; strong, smoky spices; faintly of sweat and horse
Orientation: ??? ? we just don’t know
Voice: Similar to Flemeth from Dragon Age *Deep velvety voice, hoarse laughter, very good at animal impressions
Origin: The Old Forest and the Ytuh Mountain
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Tumblr (blood/gore/nsfw warnings for that in the future)
Spotify playlist (some nsfw songs there)


» Elegant, "dancing" movements
» Fast and agile, able of quick turns and sharp spins
» Well muscled and strong, good sense of balance; very good at climbing and jumping and traversing uneven terrain.
» Black sharp-edged, cloven hooves, rather large; leathery underside. Sharp dewclaws are hidden under a generous amount of feathering.
» Black pelt shimmering with iridescent hues of purple, green and blue, with a couple of lighter stripes on back. Mottled browns and greys on the underside, along with a grey/offwhite belly
» Long, prehensile tail, ends in a large tuft of hair. The tuft only grows on the top side of the tail; underside is naked and leathery; excellent for gripping things.
» Dark red sclera; pale yellow iris and pupil that looks very much like a cat’s. Has a third eyelid; a nictitating membrane that is usually hidden.
» Long, large ears that taper to a curl, adorned with a tuft of hair at the top.
» A pair of large, curled horns. Dark grey-brown, slightly lighter at the ends. Sharp.
» Long, wild, curly/wavy mane/hair. Tangled, braided, thick; coarse strands.

Troll King. The title “king” is gender neutral; but Syo herself is pretty masculine. Rules over the Ytuh Mountain and the nearby Old Forest and every creature and being living there. Known for her vengeful ways and abduction of children and various other people (mostly those who has wronged her, or their friends/families - mafia tactics, aw yeah)

The small kingdom near the trolls’ area obviously doesn’t like trolls very much; there has been various more-or-less violent incidents over the years, but lately there has been an uncertain truce. Then there was The Incident, which involved the kingdom's youngest princeling, and an assumed abduction (it was all very consensual, actually). Currently Syo has a price on her head, and so she disappears into the Endless Forest now and then, where they can’t find her.

There is also another reason for her visits into the Forest: when her prisoners aren’t useful anymore, but still cannot be allowed to escape (and she's not in the mood to kill them outright), she will enchant them into nameless deer. They forget everything as they are driven into the forest, where they eventually wither and die. Sometimes Syo will wander among “her” namelesses, petting and crooning over them, reveling in her victory. Sometimes the spell doesn’t work properly, and the nameless will be pained by flashes of memory, turning it confused and aggressive.

Syo is:
Usually Not always friendly
Can be generous to those who deserve it
Thrill-seeker, edge-dancer
Loves a good party
Surprisingly good with kids
Selfish (for herself, and those she deems ‘hers’)

She has a quite sadistic streak in her, getting enjoyment from hurting people in various ways - but also taking care of them during and afterwards.

Can be very “nice”: cares about her close ones, likes children, polite to strangers, helps people in need (sometimes).
But as soon as you get on her bad side, all bets are off. Rude people, thieves, those who mean harm against her or her kin - she will get her vengeance. Can be utterly ruthless and will stop at nothing.

Quirks & Habits

» Terrified of thunder. Hates and fears it in equal measure. *Wears dried rowan berries as a protective measure, usually braided into her hair

» Steel can hurt her, and break her magic (iron and other metals are fine though).

» Loves gold and precious metals. Collects it when she can, and hoards it in her mountain halls. Can be quite generous with it if someone is polite or helps her.

» There is a myth about how trolls turn into stone in sunlight. This doesn’t seem to affect Syo at all (but she still likes the darker, more humid places in the forest). What would turn her into stone, though, is reciting a the first part of a certain verse, while the first rays of the full moon touches her, and then the second part of the verse in the first light of dawn. Not many knows this verse anymore - one by one they have “disappeared”.

» Almost never gives full bows - you really have to do something big to earn enough respect for a full bow. Dislikes the thought of submitting to anyone.

» Actually really likes kids. There are exceptions, of course, but in general, kids are to be protected. Has a soft spot for orphans and kids with abusive or hurtful families, or just kids with families that doesn’t appreciate them.

» Hates gods and organized religion -- trolls have never been looked upon favourably by the gods. Will try to avoid. Spits in the direction of the twin gods statues every time she walks past them.

Powers & Abilites

» Glamour magic, invisibility spells, making things look like other things

» Healing. Has a very crude form of healing, which is partly magic, but mostly consists of drinking and/or slather on a black horribly foul-smelling potion. Nobody wants to know what’s in it. Works on wounds and some illnesses; if you’ve got broken bones you’re on your own. Makes things heal really quickly but leaves a lot of scarring (and also burns and itches and is pretty painful).

» Can make portals between the Endless Forest and her home lands.

» Lots of violent kicking and rearing; horn-bashing; biting; sometimes uses the tips of her horns to stab and rip at the opponent.

» Spells - confusion spells, glamour spells, anything that bewitches the mind.

» Dirty tricks.

» Tries to save most fighting to her homelands, as she believes in being (...somewhat) polite when being a “guest”.

» Strong, high endurance and stamina.

Questions, contact, problems?
Mail is , skype is 'apeldille'.

WayfarerHart's picture

I love her design so. Very

I love her design so. Very nice!

Echosong's picture

ajksdjhjhfjh I love her

I love her design and concept so muchh
thelittleraven's picture

Ohhh yes more troll

Ohhh yes more troll characters. I've always loved her design. So pretty.
Apeldille's picture

Thank you, everyone! We'll

Thank you, everyone! We'll see when I get a proper bio up for her and some more info.

Farelia's picture

Such a pretty lady!

Such a pretty lady!
Unplugged's picture

Beautiful, glorious updates.

Beautiful, glorious updates.
LooksForDoves's picture

Mmmmmm, Syoooo

Mmmmmm, Syoooo <3

ZakuroToshino's picture

I'm pretty sure I'm not

I'm pretty sure I'm not tracking this yet, so...