The Endless in The Endless Forest

Topaz100's picture
The endless in the endless forest
Stands for alot of things
Like the sparkles in sparkle
And Diamonds in rings

It stands for the new, and the old too
Like the fountain, and the twin god statue
For all the differnet celebrations
Going on around the year

The endless in the endless forest
Gives the name more
And tells the reader, near or far
What is really at the forests core

It stands for the deer and the people inside
Like when you are in the forest how all the deer cry
And how you hear all the other animals too
And at the different places on the map

Right, extraa weirrrd poem, and i am confusled about it, so, erm, i hope you aren't :3
Verycrazygirl's picture

It's simple, and nice. Thank

It's simple, and nice. Laughing out loud
Thank you for posting and sharing it! <3