cut open my sternum and pull


One specific month had found himself trapped in a passing through place that was destroying itself. A vain attempt to fix left him with near fatal injuries. If it were not for his connection to Amnula, Godless would have surely perished. Forcibly pulled back to his birthland, where his body was allowed to heal. Visited someone special from a distance, but when his presence started to become noticed, slipped into the deepest dark and slunk away as he heard the alarms of danger ring out behind him.

Despite his nomad lifestyle as of late, traveling and traversing through worlds, he has found the bed of many over the past year. None that have meant more than a visit again if he finds himself moving through the world of their home, otherwise is wanting of naught, except for perhaps one thing in particular that seems always just a bit out of reach. Longing for it greedily, but not allowing it to burden his days or to cloud or darken his mind or thoughts.


Happened upon a corpse and dont mind if i do. Torn into his body and went off with the heart and liver. Ate the latter contently, and then proceeded to meander around with the heart sitting in his mouth, against his tongue. Until he buried it at a safe location to figure out what to do with it. Later on, spent time with Uy, and another (Pyriel), until someone else (Ruxandra) came and disturbed the 'peace'. When Pyre snarled, flashed his own chompers at Ruxandra. Whether it was a threat, a form of intimidation, or simply an exaggerated grin was unclear, considering they all look pretty similar. Continued to lick and groom his paws, mouth, and toe beans when the former and latter conversed, and gave a fond quiet chuff at Uy's parting to take the other elsewhere to converse.

* Approachable | Loyal | Affectionate | Playful
Quiet wanderlust | Sadistic | Pushes boundaries | Mouthy with play - nips and bites

* An intense curiosity for any type of excitement or action, be it positive or negative

* Rather mouthy during play. Likes to bite and nip and throw the side of his antlers against his companion, as well as his weight

* While rare, can and does hold grudges depending on individual and circumstance. Able to get over things and move on fairly quickly, however

* Doesn't think, or care, about gender. While he's fine to label, gender doesn't dictate anything for him.

* Initially a forced vegetarian due to his upbringing and adopted parents. While his diet has become more balanced with meat, still holds a sensitive digestive system

* Cannot be permanently killed except by Gods from Amnula. If he dies in another world, his soul will return to Amnula and his body will be rebuilt if serious damage was taken to it

* Prefers resting on the ground when he's sleeping, and usually beside a tree. Will 'sit' if invited, otherwise content to potato stand - While this is usual, does depend on energy level

* Pretty warm and welcoming to any and all company. Exuberant with company the same, and while not necessarily drawn to more mellow individuals, aren't above rejecting their company

* Not a predator, and does not hunt in the forest for meals. Completely benign, but his appearance and his forward actions show otherwise. Disinterested in conforming to the forests social norm

* After learning of his real origins and genes, may start shifting into a place he feels he was meant for. May not be as polite and welcoming as he once was, but it doesnt seem to have come to surface yet

* Quiet sadistic tendencies; believes in an eye for an eye and that any retribution warranted be retaliated with by similar returns- ( or worse! eg; someone shit talks - broken jaw | kicks you when you're down - smashed kneecap ETC ETC)

* Guarded with himself when he sleeps, hence why he sleeps either nestled against a tree or in brush. Highly unlikely to sleep in the company of complete strangers out of self preservation and because he finds the act somewhat intimate

* Rough with any type of affection that crosses over the line of platonic. Borders aggressive, but technically not hostile. Born from instinct, from part of his more dominant genes and species. However does, and can, be gentler. Fluctuates at any given time.

* Despises any sort of hierarchy; also includes anything where others arent equal, or have those in higher power or status make decisions/actions for others. Believes in letting others think and do for themselves, BUT saying that also vehemently believes that whatever happens in a group event is done so with the majority in favor of whatever's happening

* While Amnulian Gods can only reproduce with other Gods, Jae being half means he is capable of procreating with any mortal as well. Because of his mixed lineage, his fertility rate is exceptionally low. Only 1 offspring would normally be conceived, and with a high probable cause of deformity and/or underdevelopment. Any second would have even worse odds

* Prefers making his own opinion on others besides taking anothers word for it, especially if he can get some sort of play/excitement from what they might give him. Not that he doesn't believe what close confidants may say and not like he doesnt trust their judgement. Lives his life for any sort of thrill he can get, which also includes potential negative things against himself


My little ribs around you

OshiBoo's picture






Sig: Aihnna

This character is interesting

This character is interesting to watch from a distance, already, and up close is even more intense.
Don't mind if Kid sits, he likes this company.

Jae greatly enjoys anyone

Jae greatly enjoys anyone that can keep up with his mannerisms and not run away, so he's taken an obvious liking to 'Young'.. definitely a presence he will be noting for future approaches (perhaps unfortunately for the little one, but he doesn't seem too put off by Jae's ways yet)

Sig: Aihnna

"Jae's ways" The biting? They

"Jae's ways"
The biting? They share the habit. Although 'Young's bites feel more like insults than injuries, due to those blunt tef deer teeth.
"future approaches"
And kid welcomes it. People try to run away from him, too, though likely for other reasons)