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Hisoka (title Suchiru) is a yokai creature, a japanese demon incubated in hell. His name means reserved/secret, and is often called Hiso for short. He is the son of Rin and the brother of Goro, though both are lost to him. His nature is good and loving but challenged by emotional instability, and a rot in his heart.

Currently working for a yakuza organization run by Lalin, thus spending more time in Japan training/doing jobs than in the forest.


Hisoka is male. He is a parasite that left his host to form his own independant being. He was concieved in hell and raised with ancient japanese culture. In the forest he haunts his mother's old den, having finished digging it out for her. When he's inside he can be almost completely hidden under the rocks and in the ground. This place is a refuge for Hisoka, going there when he's distressed.

Hisoka weighs an average of 150 pounds. Born Sunday, December 14th of 2014. His diet is carnivorous, but he represses cannibalistic tendancies. A better word than cannibal would be that he is an opportunist eater. Bisexual, yet leans much more toward females. He does experience male attraction but he takes on a dominant role when it comes to females and more subordinate with males. His scent is strange and hard to pin down, and can change from person to person. He doesn't smell of anything usually.


The Yokai's looming figure can be intimidating on first meeting. His stark black mask usually shrouds his face, possibly giving Suchiru an aura of threat. It is an amalgamation of both the slumbering maliciousness inside him and his desire to be walled off from unwanted pain. His disposition on first meeting is a flip of a coin, and saying that his temperament is unpredictable would be an understatement. Rarely, urges to harm have to be suppressed by sheer will. He can be apprehensive and cold, or openly respectful if he judges someone to be worth his respect. The amicable side of his persona is a loving and genuinely caring one, one might even say exceeding the norm. Yet it is sometimes veiled due to his own mental turmoil. He is the door to a dark room, letting in only a sliver of light for fear it blinds him.

This state of mind is, in part, provoked by his infancy. Early childhood traumas severely impacted his ability to deal with life and relationships, and more importantly live normally. Though he was much more oblivious when young as well as under a false sense of entitlement, things had begun to fall apart beyond his understanding. Bloodshed, brutality and death followed his family and mother. Many memories from that time were suppressed, but they left a rotting canker in his heart and mind. Having been hunted by unspeakably large creatures was enough to inset in him a primal fear of the world and coldness in his heart. Seeing the life leave her eyes took with him promise ever feeling okay again. His innate sensitivity was greatly wounded and unable to cope. Now ruthlessness comes naturally to him, and violence is not strange. He does not distinguish between women, children or men- all are equal to him during blurred moments. His moral compass is often haywire when offset. He is irritable, on the whole, often lashing out without meaning or desire to, usually from lawless and unreasonable anger. Death seems to him worthless- pain is also temporary.

His psyche is isolated and disturbed. Often feeling numb and distant from the outside world, his soul enters another plane of existence in times of distress. In this state, he cannot hear others speaking for short amounts of time. Hisoka lives vigorously inside himself, plagued by an overactive mind. Anxiety is an almost constant presence, materializing itself in the form of internal monologue of fear, self hate and anger. His emotional development was restricted, thus the Yokai finds social interaction challenging, often creating shorter sentences with little complexity to them, or finding it difficult to talk at all. Facial expressions and tone of voice are elusive. He speaks mostly in monotone, leaving only a residue of his sentiment in speech. The physical body is a prison for the soul.

Hisoka deteriorates in isolation, and is dependent on love. Suchiru thrives on it and covets it wherever it is found. Though his soul is blemished he is in reality a needy and sensitive individual. When he loves a person his loyalty reaches to no end, and his charge is almost desperate. This is due to a fear of loss. Having lost those dear to him, his controlling demeanor can be almost insufferable, though it is often gone unexpressed. If one were to see deeper, it would be easy to tell that Steel has a warm and unselfish soul. The boy is mature and wise, seeing the world with an emotionally intelligent mind. He would listen to those he loves until time crumbles, and never expect anything from them in return.

Developed re-occurring nightmares and is often plagued in his sleep. The dreams are nonsensical and contain copious amounts of disturbing, alien material, even if they are not inherently bad. Has never spoken about their content to anyone, probably could not if he tried anyway. Is often scared to sleep and finds comfort in sleeping with others, even if they are strangers.

Hisoka's sexuality is clouded, but what is known is that he becomes attracted mostly to others who are either stronger or weaker- in other words, wants either to be needed or have himself need someone else. A so to speak equality would make him uncomfortable in a romantic relationship, thus steers clear of possible advances with this nature.


The pelt that covers him is extremely light in weight, and on passing may appear as skin. His build is taut and refined- it may seem that he is lean, though in truth he is balanced. Feline anatomy is apparent though subliminal in it's own way, as Hisoka's gait is collected and lacking in boisterous motions. His hooves accentuate this as they are sharp and thin.

His face is a strange mixture of soft to hard features- most prominent is his nose. Which, though it's sides are sharp, the end of it curves like a child's. Eyes are a light silver with dark black pupils. His lips are puffy and shapely, and his cheeks are somewhat round with no jawline being extremely evident. Inside the mouth, there are teeth like a cat's made to slice meat and skin, mostly used for tearing.

Mostly resembles his mother due to lack of genes available during development aside from hers, but does have some aspects that took shape due to the fact he was conceived in hell.

Suffers some deformities due to the nature of his growth. Weak veins- bleeds extremely easily and with surplus if injured. Has random nosebleeds and gets bloodshot eyes due to veins breaking and resealing often. Because of this, bleeding excessively is a concern and can happen very easily. Veins don't heal fast. Likely to die or become unconscious from blood loss more easily than others, regardless of how healthy he is at the time. As an extension of this, his body can at times 'wound' itself. His skin blackens and deteriorates, and reveals flesh. These never fully heal until he dies and is reborn.

Endures phantom pains for limbs that he has never had. Can be very disorienting and often makes Suchiru distraught.


Innately curious, even if it means harm coming to him.



(I have forgotten a lot forgive me :c )

Closest to his Heart

Rin, Goro, Lilu, Lailin

Taught to nod by Lilu's kids.
Throwing your legs up can be a both protective action and playful one.
Not everyone is nice like mom is.
Goro is almost a constant presence, and should be protected.
Shouting is for when you're scared.
Snow is harmless but makes you (and the water) really cold.
Memorized where the den was.
Witnessed horrible harm done upon his mother.
Learned his family had been somewhat broken.
Mother and brother both gone.

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Long RP post?? Lorem ipsum

Long RP post??

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget facilisis libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin facilisis odio eu ultrices vehicula. Sed tristique ligula eget metus ultrices, ac auctor quam mattis. Etiam sed fermentum nunc, eget pulvinar ipsum. Quisque id felis in mauris rhoncus vulputate nec vel orci. Vivamus a felis a turpis malesuada vulputate. Aenean gravida consectetur vulputate. Praesent ac nisl eros. Nulla ultricies rutrum venenatis. Praesent commodo leo in leo rhoncus, vel cursus augue tempor. Vestibulum auctor iaculis nisl sit amet gravida. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec semper turpis neque, id malesuada tortor consequat a.

Integer dui dolor, tincidunt eget venenatis tincidunt, malesuada nec nisi. Ut lectus mauris, mollis ut ultrices non, tempor nec lorem. Etiam vitae dolor maximus, ultricies lacus venenatis, varius leo. Nam diam tellus, ullamcorper in faucibus et, tincidunt fringilla tellus. Suspendisse dapibus bibendum euismod. Duis pellentesque mi ac tempus vulputate. Duis vel rhoncus lorem. In condimentum, mi sed varius volutpat, mi neque ullamcorper massa, ut tempus velit augue ut dui. Nullam eget ante quis mi varius cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce nibh leo, maximus eget fringilla non, imperdiet ac mauris.

Nullam ultrices ligula eu magna consequat, nec vulputate purus blandit. Curabitur dictum ipsum lectus, ut molestie risus ullamcorper id. Curabitur nisi justo, ultrices at eleifend a, placerat ut nulla. Duis et hendrerit ante. Morbi nec felis egestas tortor cursus luctus. Curabitur nisi turpis, viverra et congue at, lacinia et mauris. Phasellus posuere condimentum mauris et vehicula. Donec posuere diam dolor, posuere fermentum nunc feugiat non.

Ut nec tincidunt libero. Pellentesque justo diam, iaculis a iaculis quis, malesuada vitae dolor. Fusce nec lobortis urna. Nullam sodales vehicula aliquam. Suspendisse commodo erat eu elit pharetra vestibulum. Donec ut feugiat arcu, ac tincidunt nisi. Curabitur a pulvinar est, sit amet volutpat arcu. Ut eget elit nisi. Nullam mauris risus, malesuada vel luctus eu, laoreet ut arcu. Phasellus dolor felis, cursus eu elit commodo, hendrerit dictum turpis. In dignissim lacus neque, eget euismod neque auctor non. Vestibulum nec massa finibus, molestie lectus a, tincidunt arcu. Suspendisse interdum ornare nunc sed molestie. Donec tincidunt mattis tellus, nec laoreet mauris ullamcorper quis. In facilisis mauris felis. Vivamus ac enim scelerisque, ultricies sem nec, ultrices odio.