The fair lady - Oltha

Naremara's picture

Oltha ¤

04/27- 19


Adult - Female - Polyamorous - #13 - Exotic chilli, mandarin, wood aroma

Den, -35 x 432.

Forward - Instinctive - Possessive - Charming - Flirtatious
Jealous - Intense - Aggressive - Energetic - Amorous - Careless


- Dislikes felines. views them as predators.
- Can speak very little, find it difficult to form words and so refrain from talking. Tries to make sense through body language and vocal growling.
- Is not afraid to fight back if threatened or pushed enough.
- Have a higher standard than what she lets on.
- Finds enjoyment in teasing.
- Likes to challenge.
- Loves the attention of others.
- Becomes easily restless and have a tendency to move around a lot.
- Ruthless when she is angry, fails to see the potential danger she puts herself in.
- Taunting is something of a common norm for her.
- Doesn't bow, isn't familiar with the concept so will just nod in approval to whatever you weirdos are doing.

The Ura-ura Deer.
Really has to rewrite...
It's a rare hybrid breed of cervidae.
The animal is highly sought after due to it's body parts. Each part of it's body holds strong magical abilities which can be used for witchcraft, alchemy, healing and other rituals. It is due to this the breed is near extinction. The power is measured according to how much a specimen have been exposed to magic, either it be from natural sources or used against them.
the more magic used the more powerful their bodies become to resist similar attacks in the future.
Exposed to magic also increases the power in their bodies, so an elder would naturally possess lots of strength and be sought after due to this reason.
They can possess a humanoid body but to obtain one they need a ritual to be held with ingredients from their own species, which is frowned upon among the breed's inhabitants.

The breed is mostly found in forests, and keeps to places which hold a significant part to the magical order (A place that have concentrated magical energy, stronger than other places. a/o places where magical beings lives. fairies, elves, witches etc etc.)
Jewelry is often put on tame enough individuals of the breed. As they have positive associations with those that could be of potential harm, the jewelry display a sort of surveillance over the individual and their group, to make poachers unwilling to hunt them.

Need to rewrite!
- Have a full front set of canine teeth, though much smaller than regular teeth of a canine.
Used to gently nip or groom but can still leave a small flesh wound if bitten hard enough. Have molar teeth in the back.
- Whiskers work to communicate mood, also as whips if one were to come a bit too close.
- Hooves consists of 6 digits, for a secure and sturdy stance and for solid kicks.
- Large ears to be able to detect nearby intruders.
- A soft fleshy nose. Weakest of all senses, so relies on sight and sound.
- Long vertical pupils, gives them extra widened view and less of a blind spot behind.
- the body is covered in smooth short hair, Tail, rump, elbow joints and neck are covered with thicker curly hair, equally as smooth as the short hair.
- Lower parts of the legs are covered in what looks like scales though holds more mail-like qualities. Which essentially makes their legs their greatest weapon.

Very social in mannerism, uses both vocal and body language to communicate.
The whiskers play a big part in how to perceive the current mood or state of mind.
when content and generally calm, the whisks are often lowered and kept close to the head.
But when showing aggression or agitation the whisks are raised, usually rattling about when showing warning signals to stay back.
This is the basic idea of communication, though there are other factors that play a big role, such as the position of ears and mouth, and vocals.
Baring teeth doesn't always mean a threat. It can also be positive and a sign of approval and being playful.
When vocalizing, the use of growling, rumbling, and snorts are three vital sound of communications. All are of positive nature. It is when combined with the position of the whisks the meaning of the vocal communication change...
will add more later...


Alyona Galya, Mehki, Mir, Glaucia

Nyx, Vladik

The Elder Raven

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Naremara's picture

Commence light show!

Commence light show!
sora1996's picture


Spirituelle's picture

ahhh i love her design!!!!

ahhh i love her design!!!! track :>