Molt, Prismatic Decay, Baron


it occurred to me that I hadn't done any creepy skele deer things yet. which is odd because I love creepy stuff and skeletons. SO HERE WE GOOOOO FIRST ONE.

I know I've used this color pallet before but I really like it lol...

$1 adopttttt


Prismatic Decay

moarrr creepies. with a hint of magical pastel rainbows to offset it :3

ps. I told u I had a crystal themed deer in the works, FishBiscuit, lol

$1 adopt!


this guy was actually based off one of my Halloween owls lol. I have a little collection of them. just I particularly like this one for the colors and patterns. just Baron here did not get the top hat XD not sure how you would hats with antlers lol.

$1 adopt!

oooo your designs are always

oooo your designs are always so pretty!
Mind if i take Molt/creepybirb? :0 also do you do paypal

@Postmortem thank youuu

@Postmortem thank youuu :3
sure thing! looks like they're already gonna have a creepybirb friend from the pictures you have Laughing out loud so you have paypal?

@Postmortem I just now saw

@Postmortem I just now saw the teeny weeny text lol. XD yes I do

alright!! any preferred way

alright!! any preferred way to contact you? (skype/email/etc.)

@PostMortem Skype works but

@PostMortem Skype works but friends have had trouble finding me on there before lol. but we can give it a shot :3 Skypename is EliKitten and the picture is of a grey and pink winged foxy thing chibi.

found it on the first try,

found it on the first try, actually hAh
sending a contact request