Meanings behind the sets...

Kanaf's picture
because ive actually wanted to do this for a long time, and Dannii just did something similar, so i thought why not now? XD


Golden Butterfly Mask: A gift from Fenqua, one of his greatest treasures. He always wears it as one symbol for his love and appreciation for her.
Monarch Pelt: A symbol for his love for butterflies, he was facinated with them at an early age. Genetic from his mother.
Key Antlers: A replacement for his regular antlers, because he shed blood with the last pair, he hides them so he won't remember or feel guilty.


Noh Mask: A representation of his actual face in-game. He doesn't actually wear a mask, but the markings and shape are very similar.
Kabuki Pelt: Originally, he was supposed to have the Kirin pelt, but I gave him the Kabuki since it matched him better. A variation from his grandparents on his mother's side, his grandfather was a red stag and his grandmother had the Golden Butterfly pelt. He holds two blue gems (seen on the Kirin pelt) on his front shoulders.
Butterfly Antlers: Either genetic from his father's side or his mother's side.


Magpie Mask: It belonged to her mother, she kept it after her mother died.
Secretary Bird Pelt: Probably genetic from her father, who has never been seen.
Peacock Antlers: Another genetic trait from her father that's very dominant in the family (don't know why Skokey didn't get them XD). The Twin Gods blessed her and made them thicker and longer.


Wooden Mask: She doesn't remember who gave it to her (because I don't know yet), but she cherishes it. She loves the design and earthy sound it makes.
Monarch Pelt: Genetic from her father.
Magpie Antlers: Also genetic from her father's side.


Hands Mask: A symbol of the powers that hold his mind together, the Twin Gods. Without them, he would be a lot worse off.
Striped Pelt: Genetic from his father.
Fan Antlers: Also genetic from his father. Ironically, they grew bigger than his brother Stopwatch's, who was the bully of the family.


Monarch Mask: Showing that she is still bound by her frog appetite, she can only eat bugs.
Kirin Pelt: Only because there is no Frog pelt, the only green pelt I could think of.
Peacock Antlers: To represent her hair, and because doe antlers look a bit silly on her.


Real Deer Mask: When he was young, he found this lying on the ground. Because he lived in a real deer family, he wanted to fit in more. There was a hidden longing to be one of them instead of inferior. He never wore it when he was with them, for some reason.
Magpie Pelt: Genetic from one of his parents.
Venetian Carnival Antlers: These were the closest I could get to his actual antlers.


Secretary Bird Mask: A gift from his family, a sign that he was next in line to gain a position of power in his herd. He stole it when he was banished.
Nightfall Pelt: Genetic from both his parents, pure-bred to have that pelt.
Poppies: In truth, he doesn't have antlers. Instead, he wears a ring of poppies to hide his bare head. In-game, though, he just wears poppies on his antlers.


Kabuki Mask: A symbol of how lighthearted he is with a smiling, colorful mask.
Kabuki Pelt: Sort of a symbol for how he died, a stab in his chest, a trail of blood running down his body.
Kabuki Antlers: Why have the mask and pelt without the antlers?


No Mask: She never wanted to hide her face, although sometimes she wears the Kabuki mask when around Mercutio.
Monarch pelt: Sort of a symbol for how she died, a disease causing painful, bleeding blemishes all through her body.
Deer of the Dead Antlers: She's a doe, and doe antlers don't really suit her. The black antlers against black pelt match very well.

I'll update if I've forgotten someone... I'll add Ketan when I remember his color XD

Nice |D I particularly liked

Nice |D I particularly liked reading about Mercutio :3

-- Dannii <3

Sententia - Where Fantasy And Reality Merge