Meadow screenshots (IMAGE HEAVY)

updated with cropped/resized versions

Two baby badgers and a frog hanging out in a little cavern.

Burning lynx!

Where else would you find a lynx cuddling with baby badgers.


Left to wander on my own. I found these...mushrooms? That pop when you step on them. I think they're mushrooms bc they look like the ones I've seen in real life that do that.

Found the edge of the world. Or at least a big hole in it.

whoops (you just respawn if you fall here)


It's a flat world, apparently.

okay I had too much fun doing this

but why is the moon under the world?

I assume that's the sun. It looks like I should be able to jump on it, but nope.

I just think this is a nice shot.

And this.

badger badger badger...

ahhh that is a cool lynx skin

just keep swimming, just keep swimming

Lynx cuddle pile. Plus a bunny and baby badger. What a world.

got a little mixed-up herd going here

That lynx's name seems fitting here.

I ended up losing the group. But this place is so cool.

Another shot.

Ahhh this adult badger was so nice.

I found a small obelisk that needed two of any animal to open it. But I couldn't get anyone to follow me. Finally that adult badger followed me, but I couldn't find the obelisk again! They seemed understanding as far as I could tell. We ended up running around together collecting flowers, and found a pink crystal and a gold crystal. Then, another baby badger showed up, and we followed it to a small obelisk--I'm pretty sure it was the exact same one I was trying to find earlier!

Hi. Can i ask you? What kind

Hi. Can i ask you? What kind of game is it? It looks like "Shelter", but online?...

That is exactly what it is.

That is exactly what it is. Meadow is an online game by the same company that created Shelter. Except it's not about survival, it's actually kind of similar to TEF. Also you can unlock different animals if you have any of the Shelter games.

You can find it here:

Thanks a lot for your help.

Thanks a lot for your help. c:

no problem

no problem Smiling