Letting go

Midnightrose's picture
under the cut for details

i'm letting go some of my deers since i have to many.

thoose i will keep is:

Jude, Haunted* ,Naomi, (Nadia), Zeus*, ,Shane, Baltazar, Absalon, (Cyperus), (Loreena), Carina , (Roxette)

Every one will have a new bio and maybe a new design/apperence.

oh and (...)= i don't know if i'm gonna keep them.

if you want me to keep any of my other deers just let me know and i'll think about it ^^

*=done remaking them

*= yooouuuur next

Yay, you're keeping Jude &

Yay, you're keeping Jude & Haunted! ;D
Midnightrose's picture

of course i am ^^ i love my

of course i am ^^ i love my littl evil buddies <3