IndieGogo statistics

Michael Samyn's picture
The crowdsourcing campaign for remaking the technology behind The Endless Forest reached 60% yesterday. With 2 weeks to go, it remains possible that we achieve the goal. But things do need to pick up a bit.

Something weird happened since we extended the campaign.

See how the pink bars dropped as soon as the extension started? Lesson learned!
A lot of people in the community encouraged us to extend the campaign but so far this seems to have been a bad decision (we could have been working on the game already instead of managing the campaign). We can only hope that people are saving up their money to contribute at the last moment. I'm sure we will close with a peak. But will it be high enough?

On a more optimistic and wonderful note, have a look at the list below. It shows where people who contribute are coming from (through clicking on a link, I presume).

In other words: YOU ARE THE BEST!
In the two other crowdsourcing campaigns we've done, it was Twitter that directed most people towards contributions. But you guys are beating Twitter and Facebook, and EVERYONE! That alone for me signifies success. It confirms that this community is wonderful and prepared to support the things they love however they can.

I guess we just overestimated the size of the community. But thanks to a remake we will be able to grow!

As a final graph, screenshotted from the IndieGogo admin pages, I'd like to share the breakdown into countries where the contributions are coming from.

Unsurprisingly, the United States are in the lead. We communicate in their language and it's a big and comparatively wealthy country. The strength of the UK, Russia and Korea is mostly thanks to the generosity of one or two individuals. I haven't figured out what accounts for Finland's impact. Is some secret admirer lurking in the North?

Michaël Samyn, Is there

Michaël Samyn,

Is there statistics on the amount of individual page views of the campaign?
I'm curious on how many read the campaign page and didn't donate.

If 20 000 more people got there and each pulled out 1eu, we'd be golden.
The number baffles me because the internet is a huge place after all. The goal looks doable, yet it's right out of reach.
Starling's picture

Personally I didn't see the

Personally I didn't see the tweets as offensive, just thought they were being funny/ironic.
Aivilo's picture

Wtf guys.

Wtf guys.
CydaLuva83's picture

People are frustrated and

People are frustrated and stressed, tensions are high, but things will turn out fine. Some not quite stellar things have been said by near everyone, let's just look ahead to the future. TEF will be remade, even if we have to continue some little bits of donations here and there after Indiegogo finishes.
It's all good, it is.
Signature By Aihnna, Avatar by YaraMyst

Aivilo, I understand your

Aivilo, I understand your comment on a spiritual level.. I have never seen that gif portrayed more accurately
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Uit, I agree that we should

Uit, I agree that we should be doing more to advertise. I love this community and I want this campaign to succeed at all costs. A lot of us have tried to advertise with what reach we can muster, But it should not be our responsibility alone.

Advertising alongside all the passive aggressive tweets however?

Tell me how thats not counter productive.

Here we are trying to get money and here are the creators saying the complete opposite.

It does not look good.

(At this stage I shouldnt be adding more fuel to the fire but im a pretty righteous person. Its probably going to come back and bite me Im sure.)

parrotsnpineapple, I had a


I had a plan [still have it, gotta find time] for making a post on promoting M&A's work and I already came across that same issue.
How do I advertise their stuff if smb's surely gonna bring M&A's old tweets up?
Takes a spoonful of tar to spoil a barrel of honey, after all.
I gave it more thought and figured nothing would change even if M&A did turn their approach 180 degrees for the sake of the campaign.
Those who got enraged back then wouldn't get anymore trusting, and likely on the contrary, would peg M&A as two-faced opportunists. For mooching money out of the same people they insulted a year ago. Internet ain't forgiving. Everyone is an expert.

I believe there's no winning here, whether the creators bent over backwards for everyone or not.
That is why I don't care if they draw a line on where they expect the donations from. Ultimately their choice on how to deal with the backlash they got since the Sunset debacle. Their word. They choose whether to stand by it or drop it.
I'm sure they want the campaign to succeed more than any of us. They ain't crazy either. But this issue ain't simply black/white.
If you voice your beliefs, however damaging they are to your business, are you ready to swallow them at a minute's notice when your next project needs money? And won't that gesture be a waste on the hating crowd anyway?

I'm not gonna be the one telling them how to go about that. Personal beliefs and integrity is something I'll always stand for.

As for the recent tweets, I'm with Starling on that one.
Doubt someone new to ToT would find those offensive.
Urschanabi's picture

Didn't see anything offensive

Didn't see anything offensive about the recent tweets either.

Also, I just thought of the new players who may be coming here at the moment, looking at all this quarreling and immediately getting the impression that the atmosphere isn't exactly as quite and peaceful as they were told.

Someone said here that we as a community are open-minded and accepting, and that's what I always thought we are. I guess now is the right time to demonstrate it once again: to M&A, to the newcomers and to each other.


P.S. Aivilo's picture, LMAO))) Exactly how I felt reading the comments.

Signature © Draak
Michael Samyn's picture

Good thing there's no chat in

Good thing there's no chat in The Endless Forest.