I wonder who remembers...

I've been feeling nostalgic for the past few days and looking through old posts on TEFc, and after a conversation with AA, we started to wonder if people would still remember aspects of the 'old' TEF, the way it was before roughly halfway through 2009, before things started to change. So we pretty much decided to make a blog with 'An old TEFer would remember these...' and then a list. It'd be awesome if people could help out with that, maybe share some of your old times.

Remember these?

- Drupal. Goddamn DRUPAL. Don't even talk to me about Drupal. |8
- Walter and 21
- Her, Fayne, Sarie, Raku, Fenqua, Trinket...
- Lieka and her many, many deer
- The old TEFc layout
- Deer didn't have to be realistic, and there were almost no 'feral' deer
- When gay stags were a serious minority and not all over the place
- The start of a flow of 'aggressive' deer, which many didn't take kindly to
- When the skulldeer started to creep up
- Artistic appearances were much simpler and more Endless Forest-y, mostly just what you saw inforest with a few original quirks
- There were very few canine or non-cervine characters, and those that were made were usually frowned upon at first
- Relationships between deer were much simpler. There was a lot less roleplaying involved; you could spend a week inforest with someone and just know your character loved them.
- Mates having fawns was very rare
- The Rut didn't exist
- There was less drama really, but when there was drama, it was blown out of proportion every time, and it was usually about things we accept as normal now
- The community site had 'dead hours', where you'd literally spend about 3 hours just waiting for a new post
- Everyone pretty much knew eachother
- Having more than two deer was quite rare for a while
- People would write stories involving other people's characters, if they requested
- If you posted something about sex, you'd be LYNCHED. If I (Dannii) had posted 'kid's games' three years ago, I would have been murdered for it.
- When the update blogs started, oh god.
- Everyone used to post memes and quizzes all the time
- You could post whatever the hell you liked. The front page wasn't full of biographies/roleplays/etc.
- There was no CSS
- Sluggs and his glitches!
- Sometimes you'd log on and there would be about five deer inforest, all of them asleep
- Minis were very rare

Verdalas's picture

But falling in the pond was

But falling in the pond was part of Forest life. You'd spend time with friends, having a laugh as you had other strange looks put on you. People would dress up in the same sets and play together.
Flyleaf's picture

I played look a like not so

I played look a like not so long ago .
And we made some huge Deerpiles too .
These dances and parties are not so common anymore ....sadly . Why is everyone so serious now .
Maybe too many are RPING ....
Wouldn't it be awesome to have everyone playing and dancing with everyone , for once . Let's have a big party lol

Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Flyleaf's picture

I played look a like not so

I played look a like not so long ago .
And we made some huge Deerpiles too .
These dances and parties are not so common anymore ....sadly . Why is everyone so serious now .
Maybe too many are RPING ....
oooops , sorry for the double post .

Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Evern's picture

Verdalas, reminds me of

Verdalas, reminds me of this.. as we're talking about old days thought it'd be okay to bring it up. my favorite TEF post.

Verdalas's picture

I don't mind the Rp, but I

I don't mind the Rp, but I like to interpret the actions of others before resorting to reading their bios for information.

I remember a time when Walter was a womaniser and noone had a problem with it, lol. And he used to literally be a Gazelle.

Here are some old screenies. Excuse the sizes, I'm posting from my phone:

Adaigo <3

Flyleaf's picture

I love to look at some old

I love to look at some old screenies .
Walter was a womeniser ....lool .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Snowsauria's picture

I still peacock other deer -

I still peacock other deer - though usually not random strangers, so perhaps it's not quite the same. xb

That House that appeared in the birch forest during Halloween one time and never again.

I actually think it appeared again, unless we're talking about the same Halloween. ^^' A cabin from one of ToT's other games ( The Path?) appeared near De Drinkplaats, I couldn't find a screeshot of it but I think it was in 2011 or 2012 ;;
Flyleaf's picture

Yes , Snow , it appeared

Yes , Snow , it appeared again in one of the last Abios ...must have been in early 2014 or 2013 , i think .
I peacock some sleeping deer aswell ....sometimes lol .
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Draak's picture

I actually think it appeared

I actually think it appeared again, unless we're talking about the same Halloween. ^^' A cabin from one of ToT's other games ( The Path?) appeared near De Drinkplaats, I couldn't find a screeshot of it but I think it was in 2011 or 2012 ;;

Yeah that cabin thing, I can't remember the coordinates, I remember Pega used to know waaay back then LOL

o: the Halloween I was talking about was way back when I first started in 2008. I used to have screenshots but they're not on this pc 8(

I only have this one tiny thing of fawn Hal in the window:
Snowsauria's picture

Draak; Yes, I figured you

Yes, I figured you talked about an earlier year, which is why I'd let you know the house had appeared again. :'b

You could be right, I honestly don't remember which year it was. :')
Draak's picture


oh oops

Mjrn's picture

fdjkalfjda the Toefaaaaats.

fdjkalfjda the Toefaaaaats. That was so cute. I've been tempted to log into that account and play around, actually.
Account previously Mjrn, returned to Veedeer.
Snowsauria's picture

Draak; Pfft, no worries, I

Pfft, no worries, I probably worded myself in a strange way. cx
Pegasicorn's picture

The house's coordinates are

The house's coordinates are somewhere on the edge of De Drinkplaats' mushroom circle. Couldn't tell you which sude though. \o/
Amazegenalo's picture

The file says I edited this

The file says I edited this screenshot in 2013. So it was definitley there that year.

I joined TEF in 2012. I loved it back then. Those first years must have been beautiful. They sound like the TEF I like the most.

quadraptor's picture

So Many Memories XD!!




Amazegenalo's picture

Whoops, nevermind I actually

Whoops, nevermind I actually joined in 2011. Time goes by so quick.