I just wanna have fun

Contains blood.

Aniu for RikkaChan.

"I just wanna have fun.
I just wanna feel good.
I just wanna get crazy."


Pfftf I couldn't help myself not to draw him a bad guy.
RikkaChan's picture

Wow, holy geez. What a

Wow, holy geez. What a delightful surprise! I always wanted a picture of him like this, so this just made my day big time. Seriously, thank you so much; I am really touched by this. Man.. his face is creepy-awesome. 8D

Gosh.. I love how richly dark

Gosh.. I love how richly dark his fur is. The glowing red of his eyes and the blood makes his fur even more dark.
And the details on the lips? Dude, nice.
Hope to see your art again on here!
TmA's picture


fgfgfhpfighgfshsdgjhvbjssdf Shocked
By Cicadia and Jalawhey <3
Tattered's picture

Holy wow

Holy wow Redface