I hate to ask such a girly question. XD

fayne's picture
What do you babes do for your skin? Acne-wise and stuff.

I got a new perscription-type thing that was apparently like my old stuff, which had a bit of sulfur in it and worked beautifully. Now I've got a raw mark over my eyebrow from scratching my skin, which is dry and totally itchy. And it hasn't nearly had the success my other stuff did. D| So, what do you guys do to keep down your breakouts? I need help. x.x

...lol I am such a nub.
Aegle's picture

I also use a sulfur

I also use a sulfur treatment. But for those dry spots after using it I use CeraVe Cream or Lotion. It works AMAZING. I put it on morning and night and my skin is so soft. It is non-comedogenic as well! And developed by dermatalogists! You can find it at any local drugstore, such as Walgreens.
fayne's picture

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for the suggestion! 8D
Echee's picture


Fledermaus's picture

I was just perscribed

I was just perscribed something with a lot of benzoyl peroxide, but I was told that a moisterizer is the most important thing to have.

Laruna's picture

I know nothing about this

I know nothing about this either... xD But Clean and Clear's "dual action moisturizer" is the only thing I use... I used to have Neutrogena's "oil-controlling" pads too and they were great. I keep my moisturizer by the sink and apply it at least three times a day (morning, in the afternoon when I remember, night). I try to wash my face once a day too, if nothing else to remove makeup and clear the pores. :3 I'm sure there's more I should do, but this seems to work for me.
Draak's picture

Lol my skin isnt that bad

Lol my skin isnt that bad when it comes to that *brickd* but I have something called 'Witch Hazel' that de-oils your skin, it seems to clear it up if I get breakouts.

DraakxMitra C:
Fenqua's picture

I'm lucky to have a pretty

I'm lucky to have a pretty smooth skin, but I still treat it for sometimes those big guys pop up Sticking out tongue
I just keep it clean by washing it with warm water and a tiny bit of soap (under the shower). That dries your skin, so I always use lotion or cream after.

Plus, before I go to bed I have this weird chemical stuff that removes the dirt from my face. And removing the dirt is more to prevent outbreaks xD

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Her's picture

...I just use Stridex. xD

...I just use Stridex. xD