Humandeer quiz thingalingy STOLEN FROM DANNII K???

Kanaf's picture
not including children or R&J deer XD HERE WE GOOOO...


Who are you?
I'm Skokey
Ih'm Bellsio!
Andromeda, pleased to meet ya ;D
My name's Tropa c:

What gender are you?
I'm a guy, duh.
Girl. Er, wait, woman.
I'm all man, baby.

What's your age, roughly?
About... 34, 35?
Around 28 or 29...
I'd say about 32 to 33.
I'm about 16-17...
Uhm... 2... 2 an 1? (21)
I'm just about 22.
Around 24.

What's your orientation?
Straight. Though, if I had been under different circumstances, I might have considered being bisexual.
Straight, thank you.
Straightplz :>
Heh heh, I'm gay! Used to be bisexual, then I just kinda went over to one side.
Straight, although I don't mind seeing gay couples.

Eye Colour?
A dull hazel.
Very very pale blue.
Very dark brown, almost black.
Bright blue!
Brohn c:
Kind of a yellowish-green.
Light green.

Hair Colour?
Heh... I'm a redhead...
Sandy brown.
Dark brown.
Blond ;D
Dark brown, though sometimes I dye or highlight it green.

Clothing choice?
Eh, T-shirt and khakis are fine by me.
Anything that fits... *is too tall*
Sometimes a nice tank with a good zip-up hoodie, and jeans.
Meh, I don't really care, I'll wear whatever Tropa buys me.
Shirht an padhama pands.
Anything I guess, I like to keep a little style in my closet.
Usually a tank or a cute top with jeans. Most likely a tank because I have a messy job!


Jayla, now deceased...
... I never knew her, personally...
Jayla, as Skokey said.
Er... Cuckoo, but she left me with the rest of my family...
I.. no kno...
*sigh* My mom was named Venus. I guess she shunned me like everyone else when they found out I was gay.
*snorts* Kinda funny actually, my mom's name is Buffy XD

Heron, I heard. I never met him.
I never knew him either... And I'm glad I didn't.
Heron, of course.
... Alarm, he left too...
No kno...
Neptune. Also shunned me and made me leave the house- no, the family.
Hmm... Anton.

No one, that I know of.
Stopwatch, he's gone too.
No wun..
Ehh... I had a few little brothers and sisters...
I had lots and lots of older siblings, actually.


Do you have a partner?
No, but...
I've had two in my past, almost got a third but... Guess I won't see him again. Trying my best to stay happy, maybe I'll find someone that way.

If so, who are they?
Fenqua <3
Zilant <3
Er... >>
Serpentine <3

Are you married?
Nah, not quite ready for that yet.
No, but...

Do you have/want kids?
Two fraternal twins, Faytha and Fenkovan.
Two sons, Chanse and Ketan.
A daughter, Kailani...
*snortlol* Nooooo, but that would be cool to have a little Clock or little Danielle running around!
Noh... But mahbe...
Heh, no. I would like to adopt some day though <3
Nah, but hey... Would be nice...

If you don't have a partner, do you want one?
I would love one, but I'm in no rush ;D


Do you own a house or an apartment?
Yep, designed the house myself!
An apartment, big enough for the four of us.
Yes, Skokey helped me find a great house!
I don't, I live in Tropa's apartment.
Noh, I.. lihv in a.. a hohme.
I got an apartment somewhere near where Bellsio stays.
I have an apartment, much too big for just me and Clock, but all that space is nice!

Do you own a car or any other vehicle?
Me and Fen both have one. Faytha's fixin' to get one of her own soon >>
I have one, Xylia and the kids have bikes...
I have one and Zilant has one.
Naw, for some reason I'm not allowed to drive until I'm 21... (because YOURE CRAZY LOL)
Yeah, I got some beat up piece of junk for a car, but hey... It gets me around.
I have a car, I really really need a new one though...

Do you have any pets?
No >>
No, but Ketan and Chanse won't stop asking...
No... I don't think anyone but me would appreciate one ^^;
No, but apparently one of my personalities has a huge army of SQUIRRELS in the back yard O_o...
Noh, nod allowhed to hav peds.
No, my apartment won't let me XD I would get a cat though, so I wouldn't be by myself...
No, not allowed to. Unless you count Clock's hoard of squirrels >>...

Most prized possession?
My wedding band, I never take it off!
... I wouldn't know on the top of my head.
A necklace with a dove on it I got on my 21st birthday.
Um... I can't remember, you're putting me on the spot ><
I no kno...
Hmm, probably the silver chain necklace I have, I don't take it off unless I'm going to bed.
An employee appreciation trophy thing I got for selling all that candy I made XD Silly, I know, but still...


Do you have a job?

If so, what is it?
I'm an architect.
I'm an interior designer. Very important, you know!
Pff I work at a gas station XD
I work at this one store and volunteer for the home Bellsio lives in.
I'm a candy maker!

Do you enjoy your job?
Sure, keeps bread on the table. Kinda fun too.
I find it interesting...
Oh yeah, I love using my creativity!
Bleh, not really, but it's better than fast food
Yeah, I guess the store is okay, and I love to volunteer.
OH YES, I love making candy!

If you don't have a job, what would you like to work as?
I haven't figured it out yet XD
I dun thingk anywun wihl led me...
Maybe be an employee at something I normally volunteer for.


Do you sing at all?
I kinda can, I'm not great.
I would prefer not too O_o...
I can kinda sing, it's not professional really...
Pff, have you HEARD ME? LOL
[=purple]Nod realleh...[/colo]
Yeah, I've been told I have a great voice. Maybe I should be in the local children's theatre or something...
Yeah, it's not great, but it helps pass the time at the candy shop.

Do you play any instruments?
I used to play piano... When I was like 10 >>
The cello, I rarely take it out anymore though...
The piano, I like to play when I'm alone.
Nah, but I would like to play the saxophone XD
No O_o...
Er, yeah... I play uh... I actually play the flute. A lot, heh.
I used to play violin, but... It was all my parents' idea >>

What are your hobbies?
I.. guess I don't really have one...
I like to read...
I bird watch whenever I can.
Play video games, watch movies... Uh, what else do I do...
Play wid frehnds c:
I play my flute when I have nothing else to do XD
Drawing, making plushies, that kinda stuff.


An attractive man/woman comes up to you in a bar and starts chatting you up. What do you do?
Sorry, honey, I'm married. *waves left hand at her*
Why would I be in a bar?... *sigh* Calmy point out that I'm married.
Er, sorry, I'm taken, thank you...
Taken, sweet stuff, but tell me more 'bout yourself ;D
Er... *blush*
If it was a woman, I would say I'm not interested. If it was a guy... heh heh...
I would say I'm taken, and maybe point him over to another girl who needs someone to talk to.

You are walking down the street, when suddenly someone grabs you from behind. What do you do?
... punch
Scream O_o
Wait to see who it is.
I woul be scahred...
Take it in a sexual way, maybe it would creep him out and he would leave XD
Scream, probably, and try to break free and run.

You find out you've won $3000. What do you do?
I would be... very pleased >>
Geez, with today's economy? Not much, but I would still be happy.
HOLY REALLY. It may not be a lot to you, but for someone my age, I would just die.
Oh mai O_O
LOL I think that person was joking at first.
I would be happy, maybe splurge on something >:3

Your partner cheats on you/you find your crush kissing someone else. What do you do?
O_O... Get angry, then depressed.
I would be very hurt, but try to sort it out calmly. unless it's Lorak >>
Oh geez, don't even ask me that... Been there, done that. Well, kinda...
Oh....... I would probably end up going haywire. She's the only thing that really keeps me together.
*sigh* "So THAT'S what it feels like..."
Aww, I don't wanna think of that! What a way to wrap up an interview >:C

...LMFAO I lol'd


I lol'd xD

Especially at Vessel's last answer.

-- Dannii <3

Sententia - Where Fantasy And Reality Merge
Fenqua's picture



Considering the twins their age, I had Fenqua on 35 X"D *dies*

I so wanna do this now >D

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Kanaf's picture

LOL I KNOW i didnt know what

LOL I KNOW i didnt know what to put for his age XDDD mayberillchangeit>> XD