Happy 1st Birthday, Brandy!

quadraptor's picture
*grooaaannnn* can't sleep!! I gotta get up in 2 hours to get ready for work, and I haven't had any sleep tonight. I'm so excited about today and tomorrow - we're having our "suprise party" at home where we eat junk food and then get to bed for Christmas.

But today is also special in another way. Today is Brandy's 1st birthday!

Brandy and her sister, Delilah, were born on Christmas Eve last year. It's kinda crazy that I didn't even know she was in the world until February, when my brother called and asked if I wanted my own puppy.

And she's grown so much! From that crazy little puppy who wouldn't stop whining in her cage at night to a 15+ pound weenie who happily naps on my bed.

Happy Birthday, Brandy!
silverdragon's picture

awww your soo lucky to have

awww your soo lucky to have her.

Happy birthday Brandy!


Have a great christmas!
Fledermaus's picture

Happy birthday and happy

Happy birthday and happy holidays! :3
Tuhka's picture

Aww he's that young? awwwww

Aww he's that young? awwwww <3
Those eyes... i think that's like the most adorable thing i've ever seen! Shocked

Give him a christmas kiss fom me Smiling

bubblywums's picture

Brandy could be the

Brandy could be the iScribble mascot, everyone loves Brandy! Laughing out loud
Happy Birthday girl!

Her's picture


BUURRAAANNNNDEEEEEE. 8DD HOLY CRAAAAAAP so cute BUT YOU KNEW THAT ALREADY RIGHT. I can't believe she's only 1 gjdkga D: omg Quad you're so lucky. AND YES. iSCRIBBLE MASCOT is COMPLETE win! I hereby dub you mascot of iScribble, Brandy. c": HAPPY BIRTHDAY.