GoldenWinged's Journal 5.23.08

Blackfeathr's picture

Apologies for not being in the Forest as much as I used to... there is reasoning behind this, you know!

Shh, don't tell anyone, but my human has her own mate now and they're spending a lot of time together... <.< >.>....... >3<

Blackfeathr: Hey! >:C *cuffs GoldenWinged over the head*

GoldenWinged: Ouch. D:



Ahem... anyway.

I'm at least glad for the few times I get on, for I get to see my own mate, Vipin. :3 We have had a lot of fun the past week, ROFL-Glitching and meeting new deer in the Forest. We ran into Sluggs about a week ago and he gave me the DOTD set, that was really nice of him... thanks Sluggs!

Though, over time, I grew homesick, and my dear deer Vipin helped me get my old set back. :3

So I'm prancin' around as your regular GoldenWinged nao. 8D

But I'll try to get on if my human allows it, if shes not making kissyfaces with her boyf-- *is cuffed once again*

<.<;; I won't be around on Wednesdays or Sundays, because thats when Blacks lover has his days off. Ha-HA! Last laugh.


{Dictated. Not read.}

{Sincerely, -Management}

Sorryyyy about yesterday!

Sorryyyy about yesterday! D8
I knew poor GW wanted her antlers, but the 'tree rub' button jammed. :/
I had to log off and come back on for it to work. >:C Sorryyyyyyyyy.

<33~ n________n
I reallyyyyy~ liked the DOTD set on you! <33 ---

-smacks Vipz- SHUT UP.

;_; -hides-
Blackfeathr's picture

xDD Yeah, GW was wonderin'


Yeah, GW was wonderin' about that. She thought Vip had to leave and that she was missin' the signs. xD S'okay though ^-^

Yeah the DOTD was epic. Shocked ^____^

Trippin'-Vipin (lolHer <33)

Trippin'-Vipin (lolHer <33) lost his set because he's stupid like that. e___e;;
But he has candles so nooooow he's happy! 83

It was funny when we were jumping in place with Scape while he sneezed off spells. xD

-nods frantically- o__O -cringe-
Blackfeathr's picture

Lolyeah, I liekd that... xD

Lolyeah, I liekd that... xD I tried to time it so we were like ~pop pop pop~


deer jump-wave \o/