Gembooka's Bio.

Personality: scared easily, caring,protective,shy,cautious, and keeps to himself.
Age: young adult
Family: none
Mate:(no mate but has a crush on a blue doe). does not know her name though.
Likes: the pond,does,peaceful environments, and eating.
Dislikes: (being reared at,challenged, or taunted will scare him). fighting, and anything starteling.
Appearence: long flowing fur, bony but strong, long tail(kind of like a lion or avatar). fangs, and a saphire necklace around neck.
Type: white tail
gender: male
facts: if he runs away or acts like he has been scared or starteled then it means something someone around him scared him.( he roleplays).

His personal emotes:

Fear-tilt head: whats going on?!
rear-back away: Im unsure about you, please step back!
Sniff-back away: Hmmmm... in not sure about this...
sniff-rear: Ok, your making me nervous!
sniff-tilt head: who are you? what do you want?
laugh-tilt head: what is so funny?
paw ground-tilt head: what do you mean? where are we going?
nuzzle-sad: im sorry..i have to go...
sad fear: Please! go away....
sniff-taunt: i dont like you much!
nod-rear: yes! yes!
sad-shake head:
lower antlers-rear: back off!
lower antlers-taunt: im warning you!
fear-taunt: what ARE you doing?
fear-roar: Dont get any closer, please!
laugh-nuzzle: i feel safe with you!
stands over you or very close to you- i trust you alot!
sniff-nuzzle: wanna be friends?
nuzzle-sniff-tilt head: will you be my mate? do you like me?
nuzzle-fear: why are you doing this to me?
rear-back away-rear: please dont get any closer to me!
sad-run off: i must go.. i am sorry..
head on back/butt: i love you!
nuzzle-lays under you: affection