In Game Camera control with Macbook Pro SOLVED

Edit: SUCCESS! I once again have control over my camera through the use of my tablet. Yay. Thank you for your suggestions you guys, much appreciated.

Hopefully someone on the community can help me out with an issue I'm having.
I'm able to run TEF on my Macbook pro through a bootcamp partition (this allows me to have both a Mac and Windows operating system installed on the same laptop) however I'm having trouble controlling my deer In Game.

My laptop has only a touch-pad, and unfortunately the arrow keys, AWD keys and touch-pad all seem to control my deer...this leaves me unable to rotate the In Game camera. I can zoom it in and out, but unless I have 'camera behind avatar' initiated I am unable to see what I'm doing.

Does anybody know a way to control the camera on a mac? Is it plausible to set the touch-pad to control my deer and the arrow keys to control the camera (or vide versa)?

Any help or ideas would be awesome, this is really making TEF difficult for me because it hugely limits my line of site In Game. Even if you don't know an instant fix, if you have a theory I'd be happy to test it out. Anything that could help would be fantastic.
Aivilo's picture

I had the same issue with a

I had the same issue with a laptop that was running XP at the time. I never found a fix aside from using a wireless mouse. :/

I remember on my old laptop I

I remember on my old laptop I had to rightclick and hold to turn around the camera. Don't know if it would work on a Mac though..

Aivilo: Ah ok so it must have

Aivilo: Ah ok so it must have more to do with the hardware of the laptop (available buttons and such) than with the software.

Spider: My touch-pad doesn't have any clickable buttons and the game doesn't seem to respond to the Mac gestures that stand in for the right-clicking action. I'll experiment later with holding down the gesture and trying to rotate the camera, I don't think I tried that! Thank you.

Giving this a bump just

Giving this a bump just incase anybody else has any ideas? Sad
Naryae's picture

I just came across this

I just came across this problem this morning, I'm afraid I didn't find a solution yet either. I've had to resort to using a regular mouse. It seems the game doesn't recognize the two finger click as a right click at all. There might be some kind of program you could download, maybe some other games have a similar problem?

Sorry to hear you're having

Sorry to hear you're having the same issue Naryae, I haven't gotten a chance to play so I haven't tested any work arounds. You mentioning a mouse makes me think I should test using my tablet and see if the game will react to those right click functions instead.
Apoidea's picture

Do mac touchpads not have

Do mac touchpads not have scrolling mechanisms or two-finger touch?

My touchpad has no buttons or

My touchpad has no buttons or scroll hardware, all scrolling and clicking is done through gestures. Scrolling is using two fingers and a downward/upward motion, clicking is depressing the touchpad with either one finger for a left click and two fingers for a right click. The issue is that the game does not differentiate between the number of fingers used to click, and that means I can't hold down a right click to interact with the camera.
Apoidea's picture

Have you tried using your two

Have you tried using your two fingers to zoom in and out using a pinching motion? With my tablet, the game recognizes this.
Naryae's picture

The tablet should work

The tablet should work correctly! Mine came with the mouse I mentioned.

Apodiea: I will give that a

Apodiea: I will give that a shot but I don't think it will work. The Mac gestures are not recognized by the windows operating system so when I'm playing TEF (through windows) I'm restricted to moving and left clicking only.

Naryae that did the trick, thank you so much I can't believe I didn't think to use another device earlier!
Toya's picture

I would recommend leaving

I would recommend leaving this blog up, rather than deleting it. Other people may have the same problem and be happy to find the solution.

Oh yes good point Toya, I'll

Oh yes good point Toya, I'll leave it up then. Smiling