Free to use bio code I

Kohvake's picture
Get the code from Pastebin.

this box is "#top"


Blaa blaa: text
Blaa blaa: text
Blaa blaa: text

hover here Hover text. Wow.
Such wonder.

This is box is "#left"

- All these divs stretch height-wise, their widths are set with %'s.
- If you want to change radius of #around, you need to change radiuses of #top and #bottom, too. Otherwise the result might look quite strange.
- Styling for hovers are separate from other style-codes

this is "h4".

This box is "#middle"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in efficitur ligula, et porta erat. Proin vel bibendum ligula. Fusce in dolor condimentum, varius libero sit amet, vestibulum arcu. In sapien dolor, luctus ultricies laoreet sed, finibus vitae eros. Vestibulum vel metus facilisis, laoreet tortor non, dapibus diam. Phasellus egestas neque lobortis, laoreet massa a, mollis nisl. Proin nec ligula et augue eleifend vestibulum. Sed rhoncus orci sed varius porta. Curabitur quis lorem malesuada, elementum mauris vitae, commodo mi. Vivamus ultrices enim eget leo aliquet, id ullamcorper augue sodales. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
This box is "#middle-under"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in efficitur ligula, et porta erat. Proin vel bibendum ligula. Fusce in dolor condimentum, varius libero sit amet, vestibulum arcu. In sapien dolor, luctus ultricies laoreet sed, finibus vitae eros. Vestibulum vel metus facilisis, laoreet tortor non, dapibus diam. Phasellus egestas neque lobortis, laoreet massa a, mollis nisl. Proin nec ligula et augue eleifend vestibulum. Sed rhoncus orci sed varius porta. Curabitur quis lorem malesuada, elementum mauris vitae, commodo mi. Vivamus ultrices enim eget leo aliquet, id ullamcorper augue sodales. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Vivamus bibendum sem id dolor iaculis, sed tempor leo luctus. Morbi consequat laoreet dignissim. Maecenas sed lorem mattis, vehicula nisl nec, interdum nisi. Vestibulum ac nibh luctus, semper nunc sit amet, tincidunt libero. Phasellus aliquet odio vel purus euismod imperdiet. Aliquam pellentesque pulvinar mi, vitae semper odio. Integer libero justo, lacinia finibus pulvinar vel, convallis non est. Mauris tincidunt et diam ut eleifend. Nullam mattis dictum lobortis.
This box is "#bottom"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in efficitur ligula, et porta erat. Proin vel bibendum ligula. Fusce in dolor condimentum, varius libero sit amet, vestibulum arcu.

Mary13's picture

OOH, Pretty! Owo

OOH, Pretty! Owo
Avatar by me& signature courtesy by velveteensoldier <3
Kohva's picture

Thanks. =w=- Tracking this

Thanks. =w=-

Tracking this for possible comments and questions.
TreeDancer's picture

tracking XD totally

tracking XD totally kidnapping this
IvyChain's picture


Track <3
thelittleraven's picture

Oh, this is really nice CSS.

Oh, this is really nice CSS. I might use it! Thank you for sharing.

By the way, you don't need to track your own blogs. Anything you post automatically shows up in your track list. (;
xaii's picture



by FoxOfTheStars ♥
Sannosuke's picture

;_____; thaaank

thaaank youuuuuu
I welcome you with open arms to stay away from me

Ahhh how nice! :'D

Ahhh how nice! :'D
Mary13's picture

Hello, sorry to bother

Hello, sorry to bother you

Is there a way to make the boxes invisible scrolls instead of stretching boxes? I tend to write a lot in my updates, and the boxes end up looking funny if they just stretch with my writing.
Avatar by me& signature courtesy by velveteensoldier <3
Kamaya's picture

Just put < div

Just put < div style="width:300px;height:130px;padding:0px;overflow:auto;"> just before your updates and then put < /div> (without the space) after.

EDIT: I know you were asking Lock-OnOrion, but I really wanted to help. ^-^"

EDIT2: If you want the scrolls invisible, put ::-webkit-scrollbar{display: none} at the all begining of the post with the "< style>" things.


Kohva's picture

Nice to hear you like this! :

Nice to hear you like this! : >

And please, do answer each others' questions, too! I might not always remember to check my track list and I don't have answers to everything as I'm still practicing myself. : D

thelittleraven: I know, I just made this topic to my sideaccount (which has the same avatar as my main account) so I had to track this from my main one. : D