
Kaoori's picture
I hope you may hear me, forest gods.. my mother, and my father believe in you so, that I feel I should give you more precedence too...
I have friends whom have left this world.. why? Why did they have to go? And why.. why could I not say goodbye...?
How can I remember them without such hurt?
What do you do.. when one friend has harmed another of your friends.. so that.. they too.. are gone?

How do you forgive them? do you try to see their reasoning? Why did he have to go that far? Should I? I don't..

...what do I do....?

how fragile we are

(fff it sounded better until i had a brain fart..)

Oh, Kaoori, I'm sorry you've

Oh, Kaoori, I'm sorry you've had to lose so many. That so many have died upsets me, too, but I only knew one of them, and not very well. I didn't realize any of them were your friends. I know it must be hard. But, things happen for a reason, and, they're not really entirely gone. They will live on in those that care for them. Your friends would want you to happy, and cherish the memories you have. I...believe someone told me these things once...though I can't quite remember...

I hope you can find it in your heart one day to forgive Darkweaver, though I'm sure it won't come easy. I didn't know Wesker, so I can't say I know exactly what you are going through. But I do know how it feels to be torn between two friends, and not knowing what to do. I am upset by his actions, too, but I can't be mad at a friend. He has...his reasons...Maybe there could have been a better way, or maybe not... I don't know... And I don't really know what to think of all this...

But, in times like this, it is important that we remember the good things in life. You still have friends that remain, and even those that are gone will never truly be gone as long as you keep them in your heart. And even now there is new life... Maybe...maybe that is why some must go, to make way for new lives, to keep a balance.

I...I'm not sure if anything I've said really makes sense or if it helps at all... But, just know I will be here for you, if you need me. I will do anything I can to help you, Kaoori. You are one of my closest friends, and I hate to see you like this. I'll do whatever I can to help you get through this.

(wow, that was long)

Poor Kaoori. :c
I think it sounds fine. Smiling

deer: Amary, Melinoe, Oisín, Maera, Andras
Zergarikiaka's picture

I think it sounds nice. 83

I think it sounds nice. 83