Following Quad's lead on the zodiac thing. 8D

fayne's picture


Unerlined is accurate stuff.

Chinese Zodiac - The Boar
Your element is Water. You can be honorable, philanthropic, determined, optimistic, sincere, and sociable.

Flower Zodiac - The Narcissus
Narcissus zodiac flower signs can be very influential and enjoy sharing their philosophical ideas with others. You are direct, to the point, trustworthy and honest. You are naturally wise, and you also are gifted with good luck. You come on strong, but have a sensitive side you donâ??t share with too many people. You have an active imagination and love to dream the days away. The narcissus represents egotism and formality. It means, "Stay as sweet as you are."

Celtic Tree Zodiac - The Elder
The "new moon" Elder individual is usually more outspoken and impulsive than his or her "full moon" counterpart. Such people are extremely persuasive orators who constantly challenge injustices or what they perceive to be corrupt powers. The "full moon" Elder individual possesses great vision and inclined to operate more successfully in the background rather than pursuing a confrontational approach.

Celtic Animal Zodiac - The Hawk
Seldom do we see more focus in the Celtic animal signs than that of the hawk. When these signs see something they want, they go after it with a force that is remarkable. If, however, they aren’t interested in a project, they will fly off to other more interesting prospects. They care deeply for wisdom, and often focus on sharing that knowledge with others. They can be very philanthropic and generous. Hawks have a keen sense of balance, and they navigate through life with an internal “true north” that creates an uncanny integrity within them. They are open minded and philosophical. Although they entertain all manner of hypotheses, they are strongly opinionated (that inner “true north” thing). That is not to say they cannot be persuaded.

Native American Zodiac - The Owl
Changeable and mutable as the wind, the Owl is a tough one to pin down. Warm, natural, with an easy-going nature, the Owl is friend to the world. The bearer of this Native American animal symbol is notorious for engaging in life at full speed, and whole-hearted loves adventure. This can be to his/her detriment as the Owl can be reckless, careless, and thoughtless. Owls make great artists, teachers, and conservationists. However, due to his/her adaptability and versatility – the Owl would likely excel in any occupation. In a supportive, nurturing environment the Owl is sensitive, enthusiastic, and an attentive listener. Left to his/her own devices, the Owl can be excessive, overindulgent, bitter, and belligerent.

HAHAHA so that's all mine. :B WOOOOOOO -goes away-
quadraptor's picture

Hey nice! Also with the

Hey nice! Also with the native american totems, my friend (who told me about them and also has native heritage) said that in addition to the animal associated with when you were born, you also have a totem for your favorite animal(s) as well as 'shadow totems' for the animals you fear the most. The shadow totems are supposed to teach you something.

For example, my birth totem is the Goose, but my other totem of course is the Deer. My two shadow totems are the Bee and Wasp.