dumpage of screenies (2/10-4/10) (COMPUTER KILLER!)

It's a long time, but keep in mind I went about a month and a half without TEF. Some of these are from before that time.
There's still a lot, though.


Organized by character. Also, they might not all be in exactly the right order, as it's kind of hard to tell in some cases.

Starting with Melinoe 'cause she only has a few.

She is spying on you...
Was hoping to get closeups. Couldn't get as close as I would have liked.

He got spammed with the other real deer pelt. I didn't even notice anything changed at first.

Those antlers prove too heavy for him.

Kaoori: Ugh...Just go away.


Brothers re-united. :3


Just some fooling around.


Charity taught Hope a new dance move.


It's Seth! Now the only one missing is Crash...

*points at Charity* He started it!

how does he get just barely above the ground like that?

Mutant deer!

synchronized drinking


He wasn't trying to cower behind Seth. It just turned out that way. Hope just tends to get nervous around unknown deer...and it didn't help that Takeshi freaked him out a bit by sleep-sliding. X3 Makes for a good screenshot, anyway.



What a lazy bunch.

Some curious deer came to investigate just after I logged in. I had to re-connect, though, because when I resized the window, all the pictos disappeared. So I have no idea who these two are.

I need more cute pictures of these two.

Oisin is curious about this Seed look-alike.

"....What the...?"

What's so scary?

Polt's antlers are stronger than they look.


Synchronized head-tilting! Twice!

First Yorres, now Walter. Oisin is a master of disguise.

You would not believe how many times Oisin got spelled. And then, Polt randomly became a bunny.

Sheen: o///o;


Apparently, it's a strange mirror that shows your reflection as the opposite gender...

ffffff :3

Sheen: *pushes over*

Decided to try deer-nomming. He wouldn't face her, though.

Nommed some plants instead.

It's a mini VCG-deer!

tickle fight!
Apparently, Oisin finds this surprising.

VCG-deer got big.

And stole Oisin's mask. Even though he's still wearing it...



The explosion caused Jester and...that other deer...to fuse. While Amary just lays dead.

There is something deadly in the air...

Amary finally got to meet Takeshi!

Mask-fawn train.

Darcy's pelt is contagious.

playfight (I hope) |3

With another fawn this time.


Yessss...bow to us...

What happened?

both: *bump heads* Ow!

I just noticed Amary has a butterfly picto.

I wish I could come up with a good caption for this..

And this.


This would be cute...

...if Amary's head wasn't stuck in Bast's back. X3

Yay, closeup!

Amary: "Oh, what's that down there?"

Now that's an interesting pose.
(She was "grazing," and happened to do the "air sniff" thing at the same time...or it might have been the scratching...I can't remember)

Caught him just as he started to get up.

Just before moving over a little. |3


Gotcha! <3

giant raven dance

Um, there's a bird on your head...

It appears we have a stalker...

Kaoori is just that boring.

You've seen Bast with Amary's pelt. Now here's an Amary with Bast's pelt.

...can't come up with a caption x.x;

Pelt sisters.

mini-Kaoori is adorable

And then I turned down "nature details" to get rid of the glow.

I don't know why Kaoori just randomly turned around like that.

Aaaannndddd that is all! The end!

Hilarious collection xD (and

Hilarious collection xD

(and it nearly killed the school-pc, yay!)

Our little dance party in the forest was fun <3
Verycrazygirl's picture

"Your mask was charming, and

"Your mask was charming, and I wanted it. :B"

I just noticed I put in the

I just noticed I put in the wrong year in the title. Yeesh... *fixes*
Kaoori's picture


ROFL omg. EPIC. <3
Seele's picture

The mirror one made me laugh

The mirror one made me laugh so hard :"D And to me he was facing her each time! Not that I got a decent screenshot.

She's all ONOES MY EAR.
Polt's antlers are also made of steel. >Cool. She's a real fighting ladeej. That "What the.." picture is so perfect as well. I wonder what happend with Polt's head...
Pegasicorn's picture

I need to kick in Bastilion

I need to kick in Bastilion again. |D
OokamiAzura's picture

Looks like Wesker was having

Looks like Wesker was having a dead in that Zombie shot 8D

Misako: lol omg that shot is

lol omg that shot is hilarious! Ear nomming! XD
Strange, to me he was always facing away. The same as whenever I try to do "deer rubbing," my deer always seems to lean in the wrong direction. Well except for in that one shot where it looks like Oisin is pushing Polt over. X3
Her head appears to be stuck in the ground there.