DotD Abio Screenshots

Pegasicorn's picture
Because I am insane and often an insomniac, I stayed up 'til 4am to go to the Day of the Dead Abiogenesis. It was really like 5am, due to daylight savings time. 8D;
I somehow took 164 screenshots. XD; Maybe I was unconsciously making up for only taking 10 on Halloween. Or maybe because this event just seemed nicer somehow.
Anyway, I picked out the better ones, but it's still a lot. There are 111 pictures in an album on my Photobucket account. ...whoa. I didn't realize it was that amount 'til now. XD Awesome. they are:
DotD Abio 08
In order of oldest first this time.
It was really nice how we spent time "celebrating" at the Memorial Sunbeam...

Thank you, Michael and Auriea, for such a nice event.

And after it was over...

The return of the house, and bubble-blowing fun in the rain and falling red flowers!

(Though I had to restart to see them. The reset from before the Abio caused some strange stuff to happen. Like...floating masks with pictos.. O.o Michael and Auriea were floating masks to me part of the time.)
Anzel's picture

Any screenies you think I'd

Any screenies you think I'd like? *shot*

Sorry, trying not to go over my bandwidth limit if I can help it x.o
Pegasicorn's picture

o.o Eep. Sorry. Lemme go

o.o Eep. Sorry. Lemme go through them for the best ones...

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
The Wannabe Ninja
Anzel's picture

1st - Wow, it looks like

1st - Wow, it looks like Echo's face is being reflected from the bubble!

2nd - There's the Taint deer that Plume was talking about! Oh, and Radeon looks ravishing, hehe.

3rd - MWAHAHAHA, firey goodnuss.

4th - That Abio looks like it was alot of fun ^^;...

5th - *noms* One of these days, Anzel shall nom a giant Dandzeliono, mwahehe.

6th - <3 Beautiful

7th - Awesomeness...

8th - *jawdrop* o_o; Me wants. Nao. Plz. That sky + that snow + those vines = beautiful. Omg. I hope I see that combination one day, in deerson x3

9th - Lol. Fish nipper.

10th - *squash* Help mee~!!! *wahaaha*

11th - That deer sitting in the flames looks EVIL! They need a giant super swan right thar nao.

12th - Eee. Anzel wants that time of day, so lovely. And Taint wants to see a plane!


14th - Dandelions are so prettiful <3


Thank you for linking them :3 *grins* ^^; But don't be sorry, heh. Wildblue is at fault, mwahaha.
Pegasicorn's picture

Three bubbles around the

Three bubbles around the statues! XD One of my favorite things.
Oh, but I missed some things due to my internet going out at the beginning, or because of not restarting after the server reset. Like Michael and Auriea looking like an old woman, and the house was in the middle of the birch forest where we were partying. o.o

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
The Wannabe Ninja
purusha's picture

great shots! you got the

great shots! you got the flower bombs so well Smiling
Lyeekha's picture

Wow! I see myself in

I see myself in pratically every shot! Shocked
FIU was really hyper in this one, lul.
keepspeeps's picture

I'm absolutely happy to see

I'm absolutely happy to see these - I slept through this :/ Thanks for sharing
Keeps loves Fay.