SarieBearie's blog

l o n g i n g :;.~

~.:: Love

It’s a troubling thing.

It could be the greatest thing in your life and give you much happiness, or it could be the worst thing in your life and give you much hurt and pain.

Or it could give you both.

Love is very confusing.

If you have ever loved you know the great feeling that encases your whole spirit. It fills up your heart and takes control over your mind. You may do stupid things that ruin your life, or great things that fulfill your dreams. The thing you love may not love you back, but you still can’t get away from them.

That is how I feel.

I cannot drag myself away from him, nor can I bring myself to tell him my feelings. I do not know the difference between right and wrong anymore. The only right is being near him, to see him. To at least feel his presence is the greatest joy in my life. To see his regal stature, his fur as golden as wheatgrass blow, his grey eyes twinkle with a gentle understanding, his elegant antlers balancing his frame, and the mask, as brown as chocolate and hard as stone.

And then I think of myself; a muscular frame, not slender, shaggy opaque fur, the darkest of slate blue eyes, stubs as an excuse for antlers, and the beak of a magpie. Entire opposites, yet I feel I could stay with him my entire life.

Yet for now I watch.

I watch from a distance, longing for him.
I long for his love and care.

I would hope your luck is better than mine, and that he will return my feelings one day. I can only hope and pray he will. I can only pray... And wait.

Best Regards,


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Note;; This is ASPEN'S view.
Not mine. ;D
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