Pegasicorn's blog

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**Like Father, Like Son**

I started writing this after last night's little teenage "soap opera". XD It's sorta related to Raku's story.
Like Father, Like Son

The young white stag had been searching for some time now. Granted, he hadn’t been searching very hard, since there were only so many places Magnet could be. He’d just been reluctant to find him, since that meant starting a conversation he wasn’t comfortable with going through.

The golden deer in question was sitting on the hill near the Blue Bowl, one of his favorite locations. Also the location where Spade had been born.

He was losing his nerve standing halfway from the peak. But he knew he couldn’t turn back; his father definitely spotted him already. He must have just been letting the younger deer approach at his own pace.

Releasing a breath he didn’t notice he’d been holding, Spade closed the remaining distance between the two of them.

“Uh, Father?”

“Hm?” Golden ears perked up as a gray gaze exactly like his own fixed on the younger deer. “Yes, Spade?” The larger deer remained sitting, all the better for Spade, as Magnet’s huge antlers would make him tower over his son.

Spade watched one dark hoof scuff at the red earth in a nervous gesture. “How do you know if you…well…” A faint blush formed beneath the line of his mask. “…like someone?”

A small smirk slowly spread across the stag’s face. “Well…” The gold stag turned his gaze skyward in thought. “If there’s someone you can’t stop thinking about…someone you look forward to seeing more than anyone else…someone you constantly hope to see, even just catch a glimpse of them…then that could be like.”

The buck frowned, noticing the emphasis on the word “like”. His brow crinkled for a moment.
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Antics 1-30 and 31-09

I'm getting so lazy with these. ^^; I really gotta try to write them sooner than I have been so they can be really descriptive entries again.

Fog had filled the Forest, cloaking everything in mist. While the ninja-deer liked being able to blend in better...

...he was not a fan of the wolves. They sent him into a panic for awhile. He ended up retreating to the top of the Ruins. Which is where Taiko and Selig found him. He refused to come down, though. But he did have an OOC moment when I started listening to some crazy music. XD And when Cirrus appeared, still looking sad, he finally came down out of concern for his "ninja apprentice" and one of his few friends. But she went poof, and Draak took her place. I still had the crazy music playing, though, and that proved to be enough of a distraction from the wolves, drowning out their howls and making the ninja hyper. Laughing out loud There was a lot of trying to dance on the wall, and air-sitting that wasn't really air-sitting. =B
He finally left right after the server reset and it was sunny again, since I noticed how late it was getting.

A Scape ran around later during normal hours. I forget what he was doing at first, since I don't have many screenshots, but I kept getting distracted from the Forest for a bit. Well, he was running towards the Playground, looking for something to do, when Zerg arrived. They ran around for awhile and did other silly things. Then Scape noticed a small rock on the they tried to dig it up. XD I was still distracted, though, so that's why Scape kept having to sit down. ^^; After I came back, the insanity resumed.
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Antics 1-28-09: Fun With Friends

The snow made the Forest seem so much more real and beautiful than usual. Even spending time with friends seemed that much nicer. This entry doesn't really need words. The pictures describe themselves.

"Man down! Man down!"

Spade was growing attached to this fawn. Or rather, they were clinging to him.

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Antics 1-24 to 26-09

I can't recall everything, so the screenshots will do most of the talking.

Magnet thought his eyes were messing with him, but it turns out they weren't.
Gehirn clones. Shocked

Here's where my memory really fails me. XD;

I don't remember how this dance line got started. XD;

>> << >>

Ah, now this I do remember. Magnet was sitting around for awhile while I was slightly busy, when Seed came over to sit with him at the dragonflies. After I returned from being AFK, Magnet got up, and Seed got the idea for some air-fun. =]
Then he had to leave. =(

Magnet went on his way, deciding to sit atop his favorite hill for awhile. That's where Seed found him later, along with Zerg's younger brother (Mar Sart was it?). Soon, though, he switched to Zerg, and I switched to Scape. They both remained setless while the 3 hung out. XD Then Seed had to say farewell again, this time for the night. =( After he "went poof", both Zerg and Scape left to get their sets.
They continued to jump around in the birch forest for awhile, joined by a nameless at one point while they were running. They were nice, but they left very soon. It was back to hopping.
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In a Week..

I'll have been playing the Endless Forest for a year.
Shocked Where'd the time go?!

It'll also be Scape's first birthday. =B
Scape: *feels old*
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Antics 1-15 to 18-09 [warning: long entry and image heavy]

The screenshots were beginning to pile up since I was feeling unmotivated to write up an entry and post them. XD; But I'll do that now before it gets out of hand.

Spade awoke, not feeling like walking around or doing much. He decided to sit next to the small poppy patch by the purple flowers he sleeps in. His observation of the area was interrupted by Ephra and Terrant. He was unsure how to react to the two, but it seemed Terrant was just as unsure. I'd heard he was a bit skittish. After bowing, Spade just stood and watched the two of them, and eventually Terrant got close enough to sniff. The ice seemed to be broken, and the three bounded around in circles, dodging the trees.
They even got Spade to loosen up and be silly. Laughing out loud

This has been called the "Vortex Tree".

Normally I'd just call it some tree antics, but I think I have to agree, because whenever deer approached...

They'd get sucked into joining..

The group slowly faded out after that.

Later that night, I was bored. So I sent in Toefat for a little mischief.
I think he's found a hobby - creating clones of himself out of sleeping deer.

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Pega's Spring '09 Schedule

Since I posted the fall one in September, and the spring semester starts tomorrow, I figured I'd post it, too.

11-1:30 Textiles

9:30-12 3D Modelling II
2-4:30 Adv 2D Comp Art
5:-7:30 Art of Comics**

11-1:30 Textiles

9:30-12 3D Modelling II
2-4:30 Adv 2D Comp Art
5:30-10:30 Int Online Media (Flash)

**Permission is required to take this class, so I'm technically not in it yet. I'm going to try to get the teacher's permission to be in it while I sit in on the first class.

NOTE: All times posted are in EST (GMT-5).
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Antics 1-14 and 15-09 [image heavy]

I just lost everything I had typed for this. >_> It wasn't too much, cuz I felt like doing only captions, but still, I'm annoyed, so they might end up shorter or not as good as I had at first.


Spade first. He seems to be losing his shyness lately. And if anyone's been curious where this alleged "training stump" of his is, here:

Near the Ruins, near the poppies, with 2 logs nearby that are good for jumping. ^^;

Tailig? (Taiko + Selig)

Triple-tree sniff. X]

Spade made a Scape!

Um...Tailigade? ..wait, what. That sounds like a drink. XD (Taiko + Selig + Spade)

The hidden fourth "suitcase". 8o It is in the biggest rock.

Synchronized headtilts. ..with Corvus wedged between the rocks. XD

I don't know what to call this one. XD (Taiko + Spade = ?)
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Antics 1-12-09

When I'm feeling restless, I send in Richter. When I send in Richter because I'm feeling restless, insanity will ensue.


"I did nothing."

"What mini-deer? These are my neck antlers.."

I'm seeing double, ma.

It messes with my eyes.. @_@
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 1-11 and early 12-09

I sent Spade in earlier, playing him as an adult cuz, well, I think it's ok to now.. (Right? Wrong? o.o) He felt more like running around and testing out his antlers at his "training stump" more than anything else. But eventually curiosity got the better of him and he had to check out what everyone else was up to.

What have we here?
This is the part where I kick myself for not taking screenshots of the pelt-clone fun. XD And Trois made an appearance during that! =D He only stuck around for a few minutes before leaving, though. D= (For screenshots of all this, see Quad's candid camera post for the day.)
After Kaoori and Quad left, Spade seemed to have a fawn clinging to him for a little while. Laughing out loud Slightly awkward for him since he's really young himself, and they were doing the "attach yourself to the first deer that notices you" thing. Well, that's what you get for casting spells on a fawn. Laughing out loud Ah well. They were nice from what I could tell.
After sitting around in a patch of purple flowers, enjoying the view of the pond, he went to the hill by the Blue Bowl so I could take some closeups. X]
Eat your heart out? XD *brick'd*
As he was walking down the hill, a fawn seemed to be following him. It was one he'd seen before, but he felt like being alone in the Bowl. I snapped a few shots that seemed interesting.

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