Antics 1-14 and 15-09 [image heavy]

Pegasicorn's picture
I just lost everything I had typed for this. >_> It wasn't too much, cuz I felt like doing only captions, but still, I'm annoyed, so they might end up shorter or not as good as I had at first.


Spade first. He seems to be losing his shyness lately. And if anyone's been curious where this alleged "training stump" of his is, here:

Near the Ruins, near the poppies, with 2 logs nearby that are good for jumping. ^^;

Tailig? (Taiko + Selig)

Triple-tree sniff. X]

Spade made a Scape!

Um...Tailigade? ..wait, what. That sounds like a drink. XD (Taiko + Selig + Spade)

The hidden fourth "suitcase". 8o It is in the biggest rock.

Synchronized headtilts. ..with Corvus wedged between the rocks. XD

I don't know what to call this one. XD (Taiko + Spade = ?)

I've been getting the dreaded "pictos won't spread" disease every night this week. It seems to end at 10:30 though. But it's timed badly. Scape wanted to go into the Forest earlier, when I saw others were around, but he couldn't. =( Later, after my sister kicked me off, and I got back on, it worked. But Imy connection took longer than normal. O.o My internet does seem a little slower than usual during the downtime...
Anyway, Scape went in, and found Halogen and Selig at the Playground. They didn't seem too interested in doing anything, though. But then Seed arrived. =D

Seed departs.

Enter Zergarikiaka.

Gotta love those synchronized headtilts. XD

She sneezed through all her masks to find a certain one, but she reached the end without finding it. She seemed saddened by this, so Scape sneezed off all his masks in an attempt to cheer her up.

Rock-deer anyone?

"Huh? Wuzzat?" XD Taken while Scape was shaking his head from listening. Stills from this are amusing.

After awhile, she asked Scape to follow her. They both went to get masks. Then it was off to get the pelt Zerg wanted. While doing that, some fawns joined them.

And then a stag who seemed to want a pelt.

Chair-deer's getting crowded. O.o;

Then a few more deer showed up.

Never seen a group this big for that time. o.o It's usually pretty dead.

Suddenly, a devout fawn approached. Cue Scape and Zerg fleeing. I don't know about Zerg, but Scape turns it into "cast on me if you can". XD They reached the Crying Idol, the red pelt rendering devout spells useless. A few fawns followed them. And they seemed bent on fighting. o.o Or at least, one of them was determined to start a fight.

It's cleared up (or seems to be) in this shot. But yea. I don't know what was up with them.
Scape had a little fun showing how to graze. XD But soon Zerg had to leave. Both of the fawns had left already, so Scape was alone. He headed back to the dragonflies, and of course they teased him again.
But this time he didn't deny their claim of him having a crush.