Pegasicorn's blog

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Sims 2 Insanity take 1

Some actual screenies of my Sim human-deer. 8]
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Human-deer Sims preview

Nothing special here. Just a few screenshots taken after I recreated the majority of my deer in Sims 2. (Still need to recreate Toukan, and create Bastilion.)

The Dragonfly Deer, sans Toukan and Blue (he was created separately to have his own last name and shall be moved in with them later), and with one extra person. That would Aerust, Radeon's sister, and Richter and Kinsha's mother. I created her so Scape and Magnet, and Richter and Kinsha would be cousins. She'll be dying soon though. =B ...what? She's supposed to be dead anyway. I'm trying to be accurate. |D

And here be Blue.

I made his last name Creekside. |D I is ironic/braindead on last names much.
And he's really short, too. 8D *pets "StretchSkeleton" cheat* My human-deer are their correct heights. X]
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 12-22 to 26 [early morning] -09

Gonna kick myself again for letting them build up some. XD;
Maybe if I'm feeling less lazy, I'll copy-paste (and edit the tense of) what I wrote about what was happening on these days. It's what I've started doing in my updates blog. =]
Proceed to the usual image heaviness.
Pegasicorn's picture

It's official for my timezone.

As of 10 minutes ago.
(Ignoring that I don't celebrate it. I only do in a way thanks to a few close friends, and awesome people online, like this community. =])

There's a lot of "happy holidays" blogs popping up and I don't wanna end up repeating myself on each one, so I decided to do it this way. XD
Hope everyone has a good Christmas day, whether you celebrate it or not!
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 12-9 to 20-09

Lots of images ahead. As always. |D
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 11-23 to 12-4-09

Be warned. Many images are ahead.
As always.
I gotta stop letting these build up so badly. |D
Pegasicorn's picture

Sketch Requests - because everyone deserves a gift [closed] [complete requests linked]

Requests are done. 8] Now to focus on the people who didn't ask for a drawing...

Don't be shy or put off by the amount. You know want one. 8] And I can draw fast.

Digital sketch requests!

I'll be drawing at my usual 700 x 600 pixels, since that fits best on my screen.

Info I need:
Which deer?:
Their looks: give a good description of what they look like (set, differences from in-game appearance, etc.), though a pic would be the easiest to work from
Personality/pose: give me as much information as you can here, since it'll help me figure out how to draw them. A pose you would like them in, a brief description of their personality, or both. The more info, the sooner I can get your sketch done. =]
Color: the color I will draw in. Since these are digital sketches, you're not limited to just the gray of a pencil. But just one color please. You can even give me the hex code for it.

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2009 Wishlist [Secret Santa Aid]

Yep, you can tell what this is by the title. It's to help out whoever my Secret Santa is/will be.
Pegasicorn's picture

Antics 11-8 to 21-09

Time to get that backlog of screenshots cleared out, including the last few I took while playing version 3.21. XD;
Image heavy of course.
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