MorningMist's blog


Mist as a Fawn

Mist is a young fawn in a big world and she lives in the Endless Forest. She often meets other deer in passing and does not make a big deal about her several acquaintances but sometimes get carried away and follows around the older deer hoping she'll see something new (she is extremely curious), she also prays to the in the ABIOGENESIS for guidance and hopes that the future is bright.

She sometimes gets ahead of herself since she is young and ambitious but has good intentions. she dabbles in magic and get frustrated when she cant keep her grip on spells but is determined to get it right.

She is an independent soul somewhat, and wanders to the same places over and over again. Her mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and questions, such is the mind of a fawn.


hey im kinda new at this so i have some questions for those of you who can answer...

1. How do i download the game but not the screensaver? i dont need that, i dont want it either. i have no need whatsoever for the screensaver so how do i get rid of it or not have it?

2. Does the game make any sort of glitches or make my computer crash? because if it can do damage to my computer then i don't wanna download it.

3. What does "track" mean? i see that on top of my own profile and others as well. what does it do?


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