IndigoWarrior1's blog

Does a lazy deer pose for art?

Last night I saw a blue moon so it's time to post. Click images for full size. Hover for relevant text.

No, this isn't your computer, I constantly make ninja edits to this post because I suck at formatting.

Mostly just sketches in my school workbooks throughout the year. Lots of space there.

Carl Owley - A lazy bio

Carl Owley

Male | Young adult | Lazy | Gazelle antlers, Owl mask, Kabuki pelt

~Physical traits~

Carl ignores just about everything regarding his appearance. His owl mask is visibly faded, bears some dirt marks and a lot of scratches, mostly from birds. His pelt is dusty and ungroomed, with bits of dried foliage stuck in it, possibly leaves from the autumn before. His thick, bushy fur is also thought to be home to a small family of two spiders who have, so far, bravely endured Carl's occasional shedding. His posture is tall and straight, thanks to balance practice throughout the years, when every spring a bird builds a nest and raises her young between Carl's antlers. His mask hides his eyes completely. Most of the time he wears a neutral expression or a modest smile. He is extremely quiet, to the point of appearing mute at first; however he is perfectly capable of speech. His laugh sounds like the high-pitched screaming of a teapot.


Carl's favorite activities include lying around, sleeping and contributing little to nothing to society. These traits happen to mesh perfectly with his love for birds. He's willing to stay still like a statue for days on end just to be approached by birds. His infinite boredom can only be quelled by spending time with his friends or infringing on the privacy of strangers. His life goal is to one day become a real character.


  • Carl is sleepromantic & slacksexual.
  • When determined, Carl may spend days without food or water to attract small avians.
  • Carl has never taken his mask off. Nobody knows what facial features he possesses.
  • Carl normally consumes 5.5 kg of foliage a day.
  • Did you know?
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