fayne's blog

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The Diary Parts 9 & 10

Day 91

It's been a long time since we came in here. I'm pretty sure it's my birthday soon, but I can't really tell. This stupid diary is the only thing keeping me going. If I didn't have something to do I'd be biting the walls by now. As is, I don't really have the strength to do anything but write. My thoughts are getting really scattered, and I'm pretty much giving up on having any more energy to do this anymore. I can't sleep. The screams of the others are pretty loud, but I think it's just because of the treatment. It's a twisted way to be, I'll say that much.

Ugh, my hand's shaking too much to write. More later.

Day 107

I'm going to die. They told me today, in essence, that they've given up and I'm gonna get my brains blown out. I read in a book once that when someone shoots you from close range, your clothes catch on fire. Not the most pleasant thought. I guess all there is to do is wait. I'm not afraid, just tired. Really, what is there to be scared of? The Gods actually showed up yesterday, and I told 'em that immunity was a little much. I guess it was the hurt speaking for me. I told 'em that I wouldn't mind dying here, for good. And, being who they are, they obliged.

Her. I don't even know where to begin. I know she hasn't come. Why? It is probably the smartest thing to do, but I can't help but wonder if she cares, or if I'm just another partner she's cycled through. I wish she would at least try. It'd be kind of poetic - we could die together.


This is getting so weaboish I'm glad it's almost over. |D Unfortunately I can't comment without issues, nor can I find the notebook with Nox's thing in it, so I dunno what I'll do next.
fayne's picture


lol I was getting that gay can't comment thing but I think I fixed it. |D -hums Out Tonight-

Now then. Do you guys really have any interest in another story from me? I want to go oldschool, the way we used to do it, friends for characters and many, many chapters. XD I've got a plot and everything but I just want to know if anyone cares to be recognized like that anymore. :B

Yeah, done now. Rent's distracting me. c: If Rut looked anything like Adam Pascal I would die.
fayne's picture


And I have loads of stuff to do. |D New story, for one, going back to the good old days, as well as finishing up Diaries and posting the other short bits I need to clear things up. Also, I lost my Forums password, so I dunno if I'm gonna be back on there. XD Might need to reregister.


And Tuna's going to be in but she needs her set because it's gone for some reason. Help plz. XD
fayne's picture

The Diary - Parts 7 & 8

Day 64

The questioning is less frequent now, but more intense. They've combined the punishment with the interrogations by now, and it's rather horrific. They're awfully persuasive. I hate how exhausted I'm getting. I might let something slip, the way things are turning out. Thankfully, by the way they act around me, I can tell that Bale's still alive, and that he hasn't said anything. Good man. These little shifts they've got for us are disgusting too - gray and white, with a big number stamped on the back. I'm number 69. Ha ha ha.

I need to get Bale out of here. Now. And I will.

Day 79

Yes, well. I got him out. Tried to get both of us out, actually, but it didn't exactly work out. I was able to snatch some keys and kill some of the officers, and I grabbed Bale on my way out the skylight. It was a pretty starry night, and I figured out what the landscape looks like - we're on a ledge on the inside of a huge quarry. There's a little stream going down that leads to a huge lake at the bottom. Bale was in bloody horrible shape, but he was strong enough to run when I told him to. He headed off into the woods across the way. I was going to follow him, but one of the guys on our tail shot me in the stomach and I dropped like a fly, apparently. The fall wasn't great. They whipped me to teach me a lesson, then threw me back in the cell. I'm done trying - this place is an exception to my motto. There's no escape. At least, not for me.
fayne's picture

lol also wee

Um I just felt prompted to post that Her gave me Phantom so he's going to be alive now yey. |D Some minor changes after discussion with Lieka, as in what happened before is wiped clean, and he's got two sets. :U Huzzah. Also I want everyone who can RIGHT NOW to get in iScribble because we're lonely. We can revive it to greatness. THIS. IS. SPARTA.

[edit] And um does anyone know any gud French songs? Like...cheerful ones. Instrumentals are fine. Nothing from Ratatouille, I'm all over that. XD
fayne's picture

I miss.

I miss Vipin, and Aspen, too. I miss Jay, George, Jelly, Lieka. I miss Payton and Scape and all the friends I see so little of these days. I miss Kai - god, I miss Kai. Those deer and more were who made TEF for me. I miss the old feeling of peacefulness that came with the site, and the Forest. It really does feel like it's crumbling, doesn't it? And yet it feels like nobody wants to fix it.

-sigh- Come on. Can't we work together and bring this back to what Michael and Auriea wanted?
fayne's picture

The Diary - Parts 5 & 6

Day 47

Bale's here. And it has come to me that we might not get out. They're hanging me from the cieling by my ankles now, and beating me. And they showed him to me once - that's how I know. He looked absolutely horrible, bruised and bloody. I cried that night. It's been a while since I've done that. I don't mind dying - I wouldn't have taken this job if I did - but he can't handle this. I'm really worried about him.

Oh, shit. They're coming. I'll write later.

Day 56

I'm hurting most in the leg. It seems to be their favorite spot - they keep burning me, cutting me, dumping ACID there. I guess they know about that accident a while back. Maybe if I'm lucky it'll numb up entirely.

My hands are shaking and it's making me nervous. They really ought to feed us more often. I've been shaking a lot lately - it makes me scared and furious at the same time. Why can't I be strong enough to get through this? No word from the Gods either - I figured as much, they don't like to influence the human world. This is one situation I wouldn't mind a hand in.
fayne's picture


We used to have sex partays with like thirty people on iScribble. wtf happened. D:<

Also, sexy pirates annoy me.
fayne's picture


Yeah, I made another questions blog. XD Apparently there's a player named Horny LOL.

You can ask absolutely anything of Aeros, Pan, Tuna, or Di. Not Nox, for certain reasons. I'll answer in a little while, most likely, but please do ask! It's a great help to me, development-wise and all. Smiling

Aeros, Tuna, Pan, and Di.

Sarita: All deer + you: What's your favorite color?
I'm fond of greens.
Blue, man. c: Or maybe purple.
Jugular red. 8D
I like pastels! Soft pinks are nice. n_n
fayne's picture

Ah, balls.

My forest keeps freezing. D| So if Tuna's unresponsive, that's why.

[edit] Seems to be the server, other people are having problems. Screw this, I'm gonna go watch The Mummy like I promised myself. :U GOACTIONMOVIESGO.
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