celticmystress's blog

Raina Nala Jadine

Could you guys post references for your deer?? Are you still playing?


That's right! Got my peerrrrmittt!Exclaim!!!! I can drive hoorrraaayyy!Exclaim

Myyy B-DAY!

It's tommarrow! And I don't ahve anything exiting going on. And it's looking pretty slim this year for gifts Sad

Eh, dispite that I'm thankful to have met all of you! You are my second family!!


I drew all the requests and uploaded them to Photobucket-- and the size of them is MASSIVE! I've tried re-sizing them and it shows the picture in photobucket and it's tiny, but in the preview it's huge for TEF! Wth?

$5.00 New Year gifts!

Light up the new year with hand-dipped candles!

How many are there?
There are only nine of them so reserve your spot quick!

What is it?
The New Year's Eve gift pack

What's in it?
A hand dipped candle, a brass tag with your deer's picto, a letter from Mystress (on papyrus!), and an incense stick (frankincense and myrr) all wrapped in cloth (colors and patterns vary)

Who can buy them?

How much are they?
$5.00 Including shipping! To England or USA!
(I'm really making this worth every penny trust me Smiling)

What does this "pack" look like?
It's in the picture above!

1.) Emiva (FINISHED!)
2.) Fledermaus (FINISHED!)
3.) (Jen)

Help me please?

Hey everyone!

Great news, have made a timeline and an approximate time of when my 300 + pg book is to be done. Next year December. -.- I need your help, at the back of the book I want a Q&A (Question and answer) section asking me questions about the book. I would be honored if atleast ten of you gave me a question or two about it.

The questions can be like this:

"Was it hard to create characters?"
"How did it change your writing?'"

Stuff like that. Thanks everyone!

P.s: As much as I'd like this to be: "do you like mushwooms? O_o" I'm sorry-- lol that's not going to be in the book. Thanks for everything!!


Survey Sorry :(

1. First operation: None
2. First piercing: None
3. First bestfriend: Boy named Sam
4. First award: None
5. First sport: Softball
6. First pet: Kaiser Sosay
7. First vacation: Flordia (pleh)
8. First kiss: None
9. First love: None

Right Now.
10. Eating: Nothing
11. Drinking: Nothing
12. I'm going to: The squaredance... No really--
13. I'm listening to: Down to Earth
14. Wainting for: Life
15. Wearing: Clothes?

My Future.
16. Do you want kids: Maybe
17. Do you want to get married: No
18. What do you want to be: A sucessful Author
19. Do you want to study after High School: Yes
20. If you won a million: No saying what I'd do.

21. Do you like wearing socks: Yeah
22. Which song describes you: Nothing that involves love.
3. What is your favorite music genre: Celtic
24. What was your favorite thing to watch on TV when you was kid: Little Bear
25. What kind of mobile do you have: None
26. Do you have orthodontics (if it's that's the word): othadontist? No?
27. What place is the last place you ate at: Dining room
28. What's your favorite movie: LOTR
29. Lips or eyes: Eyes
30. Hugs or kisses: Both
31. Taller or lower: Taller

Have you ever..?
32. Kissed a stranger: No
33.Lied to get attention: No
44. Been in a musical/show: No
35. Been in a chat room: Yeah
36. Broke someone's heart: Think so.
37. Liked a friend more than another friend: Yeah...
Do you belive on..?
38. Yourself: Yes
39. Miracles: Yes
40. Ghosts: No
41. Santa: No
42. Sex on first date: No
43. Angels: YES

Everyone Leaving.

I come to the forest, as I'm sure most of you do-- to find peace and friendship. Seeing everyone leave is making me depressed. Even if I didn't know half of them. There's too much drama, and too much un-welcome-ness. I hope to get the Lightbringers back up- and running.... I wanted to let everyone know that they can hold onto me in this time when everyone's leaving, because I will never leave. Permanently....

Love you all.

P.s: Those who have left-- I'm sure its more than just drama why you left! I pray for you all-- please be safe.

The Priestess and Her Bell

[=yellow] The wind rattled the bare leaves,
who had hung onto the branch longer than their kin. The wind whipped by the fur in a hurry.
Another year.

Through the mist, she emerges. A select few run to her side. Yet others remain skeptical of this shady doe. She dosen't keep to tradition of cutting her antlers, showing her femininity... She cannot see, she cannot hear, she cannot speak. All the more reason to hate her. Fawns rush to her side, finding comfort to one they recognize. The one they knew never wore a costume, on such an occasion. The ruins were always where they gathered. A spot that remained a mystery in the forest. The forest, which no human ever set foot on, and yet the remains of whom dwelled.

Far up, on a peek of stone and debris, hung a bell. Scathed by time, and weather. Rejection had turned this once shiny copper bell, into a green rusty bowl. The entire side of the bell, was cracked. It was the only thing in the whole forest, she ever loved as much as the nameless and the fawns. As much as the candles atop her head, giving her aura light, and showing her spirit the way-- while her own eyes could not.

Back then, my dear fawn if you listened hard enough-- you could hear the bell ringing faintly in the wind and fog. But only when it was windy and foggy did it toll. Slightly. It gave some comfort, it gave others fear and some didn't hear it at all. But this doe knew what it was, and it was the only thing in the world she could hear. She couldn't hear the speech of the gods, nor the whisper of a frightened fawn, nor the loving words of a stag-- only the tolling of the old copper bell...

I have Returned!

Wow, unexpected busy BUSY weekend. I made $200 this weekend, and I couldn't slip away to the computer for like 3 seconds. Sooo, I'm back. Fill me in on anything I missed, I should be getting to Lightbringer pictures soon, and requests.

Thanks Everyone!
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