celticmystress's blog

Mystress' Shout Out

Augh, it's so hard for me to come up with stuff that's about me, unless I've been thinking about myself for too long, and that usually dosen't happen... I like to write about how cool other people are, I already know what I think about myself...

This isn't the best, and I don't have a lot I'm ashamed of, that I think I should be... but it's not important. I don't want to put crap up there that's depressing about me, because I'm not at all a depressing person. Some of the Shout Outs sound more like "confessionals" than stuff that's about you! And thats ok too, because it's good to dump all that stuff out of you.

Me personally, I like to let people know what I'm about, if they don't already know! :')

Love you guys!

Mystress' Updates

Why do I love you so much? (bandwagons)

Mystress why is it that I love you so much? Quad brought my attention back to you, and how much I truly do love you... I mean, you're just me in deer form Mystress. And I have this love for you like I've never had for anything... it's hard to explain and I'm sure I'm just crazy... but I really do love you, and I can't remember life, before you. It seems like we've ben teaching eachother forever.

Dear one, you have given me yourself, so that I may live. I am not you, child. But I am everything you hope to be in your lifetime one day. I am everything you're not afraid to show. I am everything most humans are not. Know that I love you, as I love the nameless and fawns. As much as the lights upon my antlers... as much as my R'un. Nothing will ever take that away dear one, for I am with you always. And I love you ...

I had to do it. Dammit Quad why do you have to come up with such awesome stuff? I hope you don't mind me making a bandwagon out of it.... and if anyone else has one, and really dosen't want to make another diary entry, you're sure to get one read out of me, and possibly a comment or two if you post it here! ;') I'll be drawing a picture to go with this, as soon as I get my head on straight.


Mystress' Spirit Sight

Help using FRAPS recording TEF


Uhm. Yeah, I have recorded a few things already, and I've watched what I've done and it's pretty good. Just a few questions:

-If I do not regester to fraps and pay $30 someodd dollars, will I still be able to record as much as I want, or will they cut it to 30 seconds? I haven't recroded enough to find out quite yet....

- Could you give me some cool tips for recording TEF? How do I get rid of the curser if I do?

- I will need a simple video editing program that will give me music, what do you suggest?

Thanks so much! :')

Creation of Lightbringing & The Priestess and her Bell (you've probably already read them they're old...)

[=yellow] The Creation of Lightbringing

There she was. Sitting on the hill again, in the middle of nowhere it seemed.
The rain, a constant wave of cold with the occasional gust around her. The grass bowed on the hill, and seemed to point to a pale lump about twenty paces away.

There, in the mist was a fawn, sleepng. Alone, and exposed.
Immediatly, with her candles, a lantern unto her hooves; she trotted over to the sleeping dear.
She sat, feeling it's heartbeat and breath against her furry chest.
She knew this was what she would do.
She knew this was going to be her life.
She, was going to bring light to the forest.

Like the candles light casting upon the fawn at her chest.


The Priestess and her Bell

The wind rattled the bare leaves,
who had hung onto the branch longer than their kin. The wind whipped by the fur in a hurry.
Another year.

Through the mist, she emerges. A select few run to her side. Yet others remain skeptical of this shady doe. She dosen't keep to tradition of cutting her antlers, showing her femininity... She cannot see, she cannot hear, she cannot speak. All the more reason to hate her. Fawns rush to her side, finding comfort to one they recognize. The one they knew never wore a costume, on such an occasion. The ruins were always where they gathered. A spot that remained a mystery in the forest. The forest, which no human ever set foot on, and yet the remains of whom dwelled.

Far up, on a peek of stone and debris, hung a bell. Scathed by time, and weather. Rejection had turned this once shiny copper bell, into a green rusty bowl. The entire side of the bell, was cracked. It was the only thing in the whole forest, she ever loved as much as the nameless and the fawns. As much as the candles atop her head, giving her aura light, and showing her spirit the way-- while her own eyes could not.

Lightbringer Themesong?

Calling all Lightbringers!! We need a nice Lightbringer themesong! Post anything you want, I'm just throwing stuff out there... :')

The Mystic's Dream by Loreena Mckennitt
Skellig by Loreena "
Beneath a Phrygian Sky by " "
Nara E S Posthumus

Here are some songs I thought had a good calm message that was appropriate for the Lightbringers. Add a link to a song you think might be good for us! We'll have a vote! :') IT DOSEN'T HAVE TO BE LOREENA, I JUST LOVE HER TOO MUCH LOL!

Nara--- 1


Wow, I just found the coolest thing. The Celtic word: R'un means "beloved".... Just thought I'd throw that out there.... :')
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