Blackhoof's blog

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Light is Gone 3

YAY! Peeps in da forest! Hurray for Saturdays! Forgot
to post this yesterday. You can read the other ones on
Blackhoof's Bio. Part three of Blackhoof's Beginning.

Lay your head down, I won’t let them get you.

Your safe, she told Blackhoof. Your safe, I won’t let them have you. I won’t let them have you…they don’t care about you darling. She cried constantly on her fawns head. The fawn sucking the sorrow for the first time in his life. He drunk and tasted the deep gallows of fear and false hope. Stay, stay, she said crying. She would tell him to keep his head down whenever the fears came, to dream.

They moved on, like ghostly shadows, broken and sorrowful. They walked, and walked until the mother paused in movement. She coughed violently, black saliva came up from her mouth. “There blinding me,” she said. “I can hardly see.”

She turned her head to the fawn her eyes where like black holes and blood dripped like tears. “Where almost there Blackhoof…I won’t die until I know your at the mountains. You are my son…and I will love you even if I can’t ever see you again.”


It came again, and so did the fears. “Shhh, child pay no mind to the noise they make. They only want to fool you and make you dream nightmares.” She cuddled him, and hummed quietly.

Her warmth was gone.

Her face came to him.

Black string twisting amongst her beautiful face.

“Lay your head down, sleep. I want you to only remember love.
Take care, take care, take care, take care, and take care.”
---> 4
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Light is Gone 2

Blackhoof's story
Take Care, she said.

Stay close she said, don’t die she said. She never actually said it to the fawn. But in her eyes she meant it. Her eyes golden, he voice sweet, and the Stag stern and protective. They would constantly say that this is our child to the wind, this is our hope. And the wind would cry a shrill and say this is my bidding, to kill. The fawn was there hope for a new world. To find the does that headed to the mountains to escape the creatures.

This is our hope, they said, this is our wish. They traveled, keeping the fawn close while the thought about the does and the children and stags among the mountain. “Darling,” the doe asked.

“Yes,” He looked at her.

“Will…he make it,” she gasped for air.

The stag stared at her, then at the staggering fawn. “He may look weak…but he is strong. If he is like me and you he is strong.”

They walked on, cold an hopeful. On the way they came across other deer caring they young to the mountain on a different route. Every gaze was like a sign of warning or death. Night had came upon the traveling pare, and there fawn. The doe sat with her fawn, the fawns’ eyes wide and curious.

The stag stood over them watching carefully. A yell came from the night’s air. The fears where coming. You could stand against them if strong, but nothing could stop them from taking or killing. “My precious doe, I fear,” the Stag said sadly.

“No, you are weak, you won’t be taken, stand strong, and I will see you,” she cried.
“My son,” the stag shook his head.

“Stop! Do not speak this way! You will not be going,” The doe stared up at him. There gazes firm. They cuddled each other worryingly. The fears where around them. Like fog amongst the hills they circled around the bottom of there feet. Eyes red with pleasure, as they yelped and cried amongst them.

“Your slipping,” The doe cried, the stags warmth was leaving.
Blackhoof's picture

Light Is Gone 1

Light is gone
Blackhoof's Past

We had altercations.

We had struggles, we had love. But that fallowed hate. We had grief, and we had thrills. We had beauty, and we had death. And for a fawn, it was all to much of a lesson to learn. To deep in depth, to hard to explain. How can you? How would you know what death is when you’ve only just started living?

“Child, my precious child,” The doe coddled her fawn her coat a bright red, her ears deep in love for her fawn. A stag walked to her and lowered his head nuzzling the fawn. The fawn moved very anomaly, its eyes closed very tight close to its mother. It looked like a runt, but it was hard to tell because he lay down with his legs close to his body, covering all the details of him.

“Wow, he has such a blue coat? So richer than mine,” The stag laughed.

“I know, and can you believe how darling he looks? Just like his father,” She looked up at him, smiling lightly.

The stag cuddled against the does’ cheek then pulled slowly away asking her politely “What shall we name him?”

“Well, I was thinking…Blackhoof? I mean look at this left one right here,” she nudged the fawns’ hoof to the surface of day. “It’s pure white, shining!”

“But why not Whitehoof then,” The stag laughed lightly.

“Because, if you would’ve seen his eyes when he opened them darling…They where as black as obsidian with a hint of blue. They told stories my dear? His stories…our future,” The doe cuddled him. “I want to see him grow. I want to see him strut infront of the does like you did. I want to see him live.”

The stag laughed then cuddled the does face again “Fine, Blackhoof it is. Black because of his eyes, and hoof because of his hoof.”

We had it all, we lost so much. We saw the dawn, we died at night. We where blessed, we where destined, and we where forbidden.
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:O Faces

Wow, tons of real people faces on the pics.
Dur... I probably one day in this decade post a pic
of myself. But I'll probably just draw myself becuase I'm
such a but head.

Random post.
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EDIT:Yeah...she's da brown one found her a name I liked...
Clementine...*works on her bio*
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What makes us sleep and Keeps us awak

Started on this some time ago....random crap about nothing....
Just Favorite stuff...YAY! Try it, it's kind of fun
at first then slips into under madness...Good luck on
trying to think of random things to ask yourself....


Blackhoof's picture


I sit about everyday at this same yellow
flowers just thinking to myself naturally. I thought about the
elongating sleep I had so long ago. I had slept through all
of my freinds, and all of the treasures I had?

It's sad? I do miss them terrible. As much as
I miss the old wind that would blow in my face every
time I was with them. All of them. The whole forest was
my comrade. Every deer would travel from deer to deer
in a effortless love of there true subsisting.

I hardly feel the wind any more, it's now like a soft blow on the
face. Oh, so tired my body is getting. Just like how it
was before thoughs five months. But no, I sleep now
because I'm tired. I sleep becuase I need alittle peace.

I dream about the peevish Cyric, and the considerate Whisper
and her andaunting brother, I also dream of the curious days
as a fawn? When I barely new wich way was which
and where the oak was.

...I regret the day I chose to sleep away...
But no more..

Comfort....ahh yes, I feel that it's time to stand
again. But for no less than a minute. Then I shall find a place worthy
of sleep.

Maybe two days from now? Or tommorrow perhaps?
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I know this is stupid, and most of you will ignore it which is just fine.

And truly I find this post stupid and annoying myself.

But whatever.

I’ve been reading post about people who get tired of the spell data. And I know, it douse ruin the game in some way. But, however, if you ask me personally the game was ruined along time ago? I mean it’s defiantly changed, I mean, the deer is suppose to be use, not a separate being. And I know some of you will get mad and say “Oh whatever, just trying to start something and blah blah blah…”

I don’t care…It’s almost feels a nuisance to me also to constantly come up here and read drama things….I know, even my deer has drama. But in a way I think the drama more happens in the forest? Plus, I do drama things on one post so I won’t be constantly bothered with things.

Also, it’s not that I feel completely like the game has changed, but that…I don’t know things have changed? When I first saw this game my mind was exploding with love and excitement for such a game, one unique and not original. One special and not mediocre? But I regret the day I set foot on the post because it’s changed the way I have viewed this game completely.

Also, there have been people that have gotten on my ify note, but I’ll ignore that and I won’t even really mention it in this post. But, there is one thing I do find the most annoying. It’s like every time someone post a post like this someone either gets fussed at or booted of the site in some way like a dog. While other people get pats on the back and a “were here” or “Blah blah”.
Blackhoof's picture


Deer jumped and ran about waiting for the party
to arise from the ashes. While other deer stood pateintly, trying to
endure the serious glichy movements of some. Othes, or ones that whore
no dead outfit, bravely stood among the rest with little intrest of there looks.

As time went by the party became more and more cramped,
and many of the populous deer ran into the cage and danced madenly.
While I sat on top of the cage with little intrest.

Time went by, and finally the host, Quammar(sorry if mispelled) trotted
infront of his guest and the party was on. Deer fallowed him everywhere
he was the eminent deer of the party, and he lead them everywhere as planned.

Where was I? Well, I layed down by the gods contently dreaming and magically watching
the deer play at the playground. I moved from deer to deer getting each point
of veiw of the party. Soon, the deer began to run. I could hear there hoof beats, they
beated continuosly. Louder and louder, until I was awakened to see
Quammar and his fellow parters travel over to me.

Alittle upset, because my sleep was ruined but who could blame the exactlly?
So I grumped away, and traveled to the crying idol. Had a dance on the bridge
ontop of many of the stags, and soon decided to sleep.

I wasn't there to see the ending of the party, but for some reason,
I knew even if the host did leave the party would be continous.
But, I must say, even though the party was crowded, it was like
a party should be, and that was fun.

Lucky Blackhoof's eyes are coming slowly back. His vision is still
terrible so most he sees is blurs. You can really tell what he's
going through if you turn up the soft thingy.
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