Darcy's Profile

Shiori's picture

Name: Darcy

Nicknames: D or Dar

Gender: Stag

Age: Mid 30's


Loves: Forever, a peahen.

Official Color: #C76114

Darcy is a pretty complex guy and is extremely hard to describe in a short amount of space, but I shall try!
There are many layers to his personality, and no one layer truly stands out against the rest yet as he continues his journey to find his true self within a sea of emotion. I suppose it would be a good idea to start with Darcy’s positives. One thing that has always stayed steady about the stag however is his friendly, self-sacrificing nature. His level of outgoingness changes with his mood, but he is always willing to offer a smile and kind words to any who are friendly in return. For his friends, he’s willing to offer anything. In a constant search for approval and belonging he takes his relationships quite seriously and tries not to hold any one person above another.
He is creative and loves to work with words, often speaking poetically, philosophical about everything in life. Open and willing to try out new ideas and activities, when in a good mood he can be a fun guy to be around. His hobbies, likes and interests are broad, and unlike some it’s hard to pin point just exactly what sort of individual he is through them alone.
Honest but considerate, he is often stuck between the truth and what might not want to be heard. It is however well known that he is a bad liar and easy to read once his emotions get the better of him. Being plagued by a somewhat guilty conscience he often takes on more responsibility for a wrong done then he needs to or is at fault for, but he is always sincere and looking out for the best interests of others in whatever he does.

What may seem simply humble to some, however, can translate into a darker side in Darcy. Haunted by past and present events and mistakes, Darcy often struggles to move on from things that have caused him stress, or worse, especially if it has caused others the same illness. His mood will sour at any trigger of a bad experience, or at random if his mind is not properly distracted, and may often seem confusing and hard to understand to those around him. These fits of depression are extremely varied in their levels of intensity, the smallest being a simple standoffish sadness that keeps him distant and quiet for a short period of time, to the worst, in which his mind is so overtaken he seizes to function as himself and ‘loses his mind’, in a sense, temporarily switching off from the world around him.
And lastly, apart from sadness…anger. Darcy can at times, well…snap. One can only be gracious for so long, after all. He has always had a wild side as a younger stag and an affinity for starting fights, and while most of that former rowdiness has dulled, he is no less eager to lower his antlers when he’s anything from annoyed to protective to outraged. Especially when in a bad mood, his patience can be worn quite thin and he is easily provoked, while on another day he might tolerate the irritation better. Despite his looks, which certainly don’t mirror that of your usual tough guy image, he knows how to fight and wont back down from a reasonable challenge.

The buck has taken a strong liking to the orange butterfly pelt and the spiky brown antlers that curve down towards his back. His mask of choice is the Real Deer mask, not just because it’s a fine look but he very much enjoys the sound it makes. Rarely ever will he change appearance finding himself quite handsome as he is, thank you. When he's feeling silly or depressed though he might change things up for a little while. When he's sad he either turns into a mini deer (small and insignificant) or wears one of the real deer pelts (ordinary, not flashy).

Darcy is a bit on the short side for a buck, compact and sturdy in body yet lithe in features. His legs are thinly built but they are quite muscular and agile. His eyes are an amber color, only slightly lighter than the orange of his pelt. There are tusfts of hair at the ends of his longer-than-average ears like a lynx, as well as a bit of extra fuzz, streaked with premature graying, growing from his forehead that look curiously like bangs as it hangs over his mask. Scars dot his frame, some destryong hair pigment and causing new growth to come in white, and on others hair refuses to grow at all. He doesn't like to be 'naked' because of this, as the default pelt tends to show them better. His face too bears the many reminders of past harm, self inflicted and resulting from numerous battles. He's quite ashamed of them, and therefor will not allow himself to be caught without a mask that properly conceals them. If these long healed injuries can be overlooked, he has a pleasant face, his features very soft and subtle, all but his eyes which are deeply set, and while kindly, have a constant look of weariness in them. A short bit of stubble grows along his chin and jawline, helping him to have a more masculine appearance his otherwise softness may not allow...

Human Appearance: H e r e

-Darcy’s favorite past time is making himself dizzy. When he finds he likes a certain someone or is really just feeling quite bored and idle, he’ll start circling. Around trees, rocks, the Twin Gods, mushroom circles or other deer, it doesn’t much matter to him, but round and round he’ll go. He's also start circling in place when he's nervous or anxious.
-Being transformed into small animals. He’ll stay in this form for hours, finding the reaction of others highly amusing, and appreciates the new perspective of the world.
- Helping others with their masks and pelts. Once given the honor of being asked, Darcy is dedicated till the correct combination is found.
-Playfighting. Unlike a lot of other deer who might find this behavior rude, he gets a thrill out of challenging others, though it's rarely ever serious. When another deer actually engages him, it makes his day ^^
-Sitting near the pond under the willows, letting the long drooping branches caress him.
- Dancing! He loves putting together new steps and combinations in his dance.
-Fawns. Fawns are his weakness, and he'll do his best to befriend them all and try to include them in his activities.

-He doesn’t really care for ‘spell games’ too much, as he likes his appearance as it is and always ends up changing it back. He’ll play along for a while but if a spell caster is especially persistent he can get a bit agitated. He ESPECIALLY hates being ‘sneak attacked’ by the magical white pelts given by the Twin Gods. Unless he’s with good company, he’ll become quite aggressive or intimidated by this and will flee the area.
-He especially hates Mask spells, as he's very sensitive about his appearance and likes to keep his face concealed. If someone casts a spell removing his mask or if he loses it on accident he'll often flee the scene and present company till he can get it back.
-He doesn’t really like overly large, rambunctious crowds. He’d much rather break from a large group and go looking for a lonely deer to hang out with then remain in the chaos of it all.
-Any of the halloween sets. Not only does he find the skull appearance unsettling but he finds that the owners of these sets are often proud and aloof creatures. Still, he gives all the benefit of the doubt.
-Deer who don't know the meaning of PERSONAL SPACE. Darcy is very sensitive about his space, and while he'll tolerate close contact for a little while he might become agressive if a deer he isn't close to does not let him have it.
-When deer sit on other deer, usually in the case of gaining pelt spells from a sleeping deer. He finds this to be very rude and will often try and get the offending creature to move.
-The Drinkplaats. Getting naked = not fun at all. If friends enter he'll wait at the edge of the mushroom circle anxiously. If he really wants to take part in the fun he'll wait till no one is looking, dash in and transform himself. Only on rare occasions does he linger in deer form.

Location?: While he isn't particularly picky about where he is, he is fond of the pond, as well as his daughter's grave. He can also be found basking in sunspots.

What's Darcy trying to say in the forest?
Understanding Darcy

Darcy Art By Me:

Loverly Fanart:
Head Portrait //Studly Pose //Second down
Watching Over Me // Bar Buddies //Best Picta Eva //A New View // You, You...
A Shy Meeting
Darcy in Pencil
Rearing Darcy
Rai [Vagrantcy]
On The Rocks // Christmas Love // Darcy the Collie! // Blue Monday// Naptime// Cute Overload!
Carry Me Home
2nd Row, 3rd Down
Darcy and Atiq // Manlyman // Monocle'd D
Awesomely Awesome D
Darcy and Rowan
Morning Forgiveness // Just a Hug
A Painted Style
Darcy and Jerry's Wild Adventures!
A Light in Shadows

Writing Features:
[Ok this section is new so...I don't have a lot, even though I know Darcy has gotten a few more writing mentions then this ^^' I'm sorry! If you know of one I don't have here please let me know!]

Before The Chrysalis Ch. 1
Before The Chrysalis Ch. 2
Before The Chrysalis Ch. 3

Mothers Cast Shadows
Valentines Day
Blink in the View of Life
Lapses in Judgement
Children Don't Grow Up

THANKS GUYS ^^ Hope I haven't forgotten anyone...
I wont USUALLY ask for fanart...maybe on occasion. To me though the best fan art is the one given in surprise! -hinthint- XD
Shiori's picture

Ravynn: Oh…good! XD I

Oh…good! XD I thought I’d be in trouble there for a minute. And lol, am I an older member now? Yikes. But thanks?

Crazy stalker <<

Thank you! ^^

Hey…thanks for the welcome. I thought you had gone? =/ And we don’t ask for any restoration. I’m not even sure Darcy trusts himself to get into any relationships anymore, but never again can we be cold and shut off to anyone. If Lin desires a relationship he can’t deny her, but he would never ask for it…
Monica's picture

Welcome back!

Welcome back! Smiling

I'm not sure. I'm either on

I'm not sure. I'm either on some long hiatus from the forest or not. I just acess the comuunity from my phone every now and then. Arg..
And I know you're not asking for it, but I, well, I don't know where they stand, but if Darcy has a new blank slate, a fresh start, then I'd be honored if Lin could befriend Darcy again, whenever we get the chance. You know, she still really looks up to him, considers D to be her father figure, despite anything she may have done or said.
Shiori's picture

Heh, I know the feeling ><

Heh, I know the feeling >< Frankly I’m not even sure I’m ‘back’ -twitch- I’m just having a rough time and really need some social interaction >__< -shot- Much to Darcy’s dismay. Lin was definitely his biggest regret Cai ;.; When you said you were leaving the first time is the only reason we finally let go…and then I checked on the site in passing later and saw you’d come back and Lin was having a hard time…Yeah, D pretty much hates my guts for all of it v.v

Well, I believe I left at

Well, I believe I left at first because I was becoming badly addicted to the site/game, and, well, I'm not sure what happened. I guess I also felt as if Lin was, in a way, forcing Darcy to stay, so...I might've been rash in my decision. I couldn't kick my addiction, and I ended up lurking on the site. Then I left for a bit. Came back, found that you left, found that Rai left (on my birthday ><) and..haha, I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I only still hung around in hopes of D returning.

Well, I believe I left at

Well, I believe I left at first because I was becoming badly addicted to the site/game, and, well, I'm not sure what happened. I guess I also felt as if Lin was, in a way, forcing Darcy to stay, so...I might've been rash in my decision. I couldn't kick my addiction, and I ended up lurking on the site. Then I left for a bit. Came back, found that you left, found that Rai left (on my birthday ><) and..haha, I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I only still hung around in hopes of D returning.
skittywolf's picture

I like this guy lol

I like this guy lol
Pegasicorn's picture

Is Darcy ok? D=

Is Darcy ok? D=
Shiori's picture

...-glomps- thanksforasking

...-glomps- thanksforasking >< I was beginning to think he was invisiable heh...^^'
I dunno...we just wanted some company tonight, and it seems one of his only friends left decided to ignore him completely. It happens <<... I think I'll go read a...book...-nod-
Kaoori's picture

gah, if it seemed like I was

gah, if it seemed like I was ignoring you, I'm sorry. it wasn't intended.
Pegasicorn's picture

Not invisible. I saw him

Not invisible. I saw him looking sad earlier too (before being in that group), but he was in the distance so it's not like Toukan could've gone over there wondering what was wrong.
Alecsander's picture

Tracking. I don't think my


I don't think my main deer could EVER get along with Darcy. Hes a skeleton faced ghost who shows affection by sitting on/standing in his friends. x)

It's funny because the deer that played under his picto before had the same in forest set as Darcy and now the new character is like his worst nightmare. Sticking out tongue
Shiori's picture

Pega: Ah…Well he had

Pega: Ah…Well he had approached said friend earlier and they didn’t respond which made him feel a bit unwelcome…plus Pavo was there and there’s another unwelcome bit heh. Looks like he should have went with his gut on that one. But I thank Toukan for the interaction, and apologize we couldn’t stay longer. I thought it best we get out of there before our emotions got the best of us again ^^’ Perhaps another day?

Alec: Hai there. And lol, heeey I dunno…though that is his LEAST favorite mask in the world I’m sure if your boy proved cordial Darcy would have no problem accepting him ^^ And standing on a deer affectionately is different then doing it in rude disregard no? He’s not SO disagreeable!
Alecsander's picture

Quite. x) Furfur is bit of

Quite. x)

Furfur is bit of a weirdo when it comes to personal space. Strangers can't get within a foot of him without a polite bow of hello, but the second he gets friendly with a deer hes quite literally in their face.

I just was amazed I finally found Darcy. Anhy said that there was an older deer with her deer's set also. I never saw such a deer until today when Furfur was sitting on Kaoori's back and Darcy creeped by with a "my god, what are you doing to her?" look. It took all of my composure to not run right over and fangirl. x)
Shiori's picture

Baha! XD In your face huh?

Baha! XD In your face huh? Scary indeed. You would certainly have to catch him on one of his more outgoing days :3
I'm actually surprised more deer haven't stumbled upon that set. I find it quite handsome :3 Maybe he's so scary no other deer wish to cross him by taking it?! -larfle-
Anywho. Fangirl anytime -snicker- He wouldn't turn down the company.
Alecsander's picture

x) Will do. Occasionally

x) Will do. Occasionally Furfur sports Seshi(Anhy's deer before she quit)/Darcy's set as sort of a memorial so they might be more willing to socialize then. If only for a "OI! CLONE!" moment.

Sometimes it's nice to get him out of the silly mask and into a serious handsome look. Sticking out tongue

Pegasicorn's picture

Feel free to go up to Toukan

Feel free to go up to Toukan anytime. =]

*pokes Kaoori's comment that seems to have gone unnoticed*
Reetno's picture

Hurhurhur~ It's nice that

It's nice that Darcy isn't dead (^^) like all my deer are... so, so dead

God I'm horrible with my characters... I just can't keep them going for long. I think it's mostly because I just don't know how to 'speak' in the forest correctly... it's all so frustrating for me, it's like "Gahhh! I don't understand what you want me to do! How can I tell you this?! How can I tell you anything so you can understand me?!!! Gaahhh!! -pulls hair out-" lol... frustrating~

I for one don't think my character Malzak is going to make it, lol... but I really want to make sure Reggy can... though...... it ain't looking so good for him either (^^') damnit...

Oh... and you'll need to update those fanart links form me...
Here's the dA links to them since I deleted them from the community site a good time ago~
Watching over me
Darcy and Reetno(aka Bar buddies) (drunkbubble version linked on it)
Chibi deer(aka BEST PICTAS EVA!!)
A new veiw
Shiori's picture

Lol oh sorry Kaoori…I guess I

Lol oh sorry Kaoori…I guess I ‘unintentionally’ didn’t notice your post ^^’ Can hardly see what’s right in front of me these days…


Nuu not dead ;___; I don’t like dead. Can they just be AWAY? On vacation? No death -pout- We love and will always love Reet too much to accept it, and the same for Shy and Tiki ;.; But…I understand, though I don’t feel I’ve ever had much of a problem understanding you? Could be wrong I guess XD’ It’s hard, everyone has their own language in the forest. I’d be almost tempted to just make a big list of common known ‘signals’ for certain things…not a bad idea o_o But of course you couldn’t force anyone to follow it, and I’m sure there’d be a huge ass dispute about it “Taking away the magic of interpretation” or some crap the exclusives like to make up to make themselves sound pro-forest -.-

One thing I’ve learned is that if you have a character with a ‘unique’ feature or background, you need to promote the hell out of them, or they just become another deer and the ‘specialness’ is lost in your mind. If nobody acknowledges uniqueness it’s certainly less unique yes? And I for one have found all your characters to be entertaining and unique, but like me you aren’t outgoing enough to shove them in everyone’s face >< I wish I could encourage you, but…being away so long myself for much the same reason I have forfeited any authority on the matter XD’

As for the pictures, lol, I never thought to check the links XD’ I should do that o.o Will change them asap thanks :3
Fledermaus's picture

:V I'm genuinely curious to

:V I'm genuinely curious to know what's the deal with Shyla now- I assume she's starting over as well? Looks like her personality has changed a bit too?
Just wondering. She's still one of my favorite chartacters. C:
Shiori's picture

Hey me too! XD Lets ask her

Hey me too! XD Lets ask her <<‘

No, err…I don’t know tbh >< She really has no reason to ‘start over’? I know she was acting a bit goofy the last time I had her out…she kept losing her spell data for some reason and three days in a row I had to get her set back -grumble- I THINK I have it now XD’ We’ll see. Anyways, I was having a hard time getting into her character, and I honestly hope both you and Aegle can disregard the whole thing <<‘ But I don’t think she, or I, know how to react to her or Masque yet. Reading some of…the related company’s posts I guess I got the feeling we were unwelcome, and to be honest, I want to avoid being negatively treated on this game at all costs right now ^^’
Verycrazygirl's picture

Not unwelcome! Dude you're

Not unwelcome!
Dude you're awesome. xD
-pointless comment ftw

Fledermaus's picture

Ah, ok. Well, regardless, it

Ah, ok. Well, regardless, it would be interesting to see how it plays out. I'll be honest; there is a quite a bit of hostility on M's part (as evidenced by the other night o_o), but I see no reason why things can't change- it'll just take some time. As for Aegle, I think she's willing to give it a shot too, and if anything she'd probably be the driving force that gets Masque to shut up and attempt being friends with Shyla again.
They may not ever be a close as they used to be, but who knows. I miss their little trio. 8D
Shiori's picture

-small smile- Thanks

-small smile- Thanks VCG...even if you are just being nice -pat- -gigglesnort-

Fled: Oh...then it's actually worse then I thought >< I missed the hostility, actually...thanks for informing me? She'll keep her distance -sigh-
Verycrazygirl's picture

This "nice" is very honest!

This "nice" is very honest! ^^
When Darcy first appeared the other week, we couldn't help but to investigate and offer a welcome back bow. It was a really nice moment to see it returned too!
We're glad you're back. x)

Fledermaus's picture

:c Aw, well I'd like to

Aw, well I'd like to change that at some point. Don't let him discourage her if she wanted to make amends. ;_;
Shiori's picture

If 'she' wanted to...? Hm.

If 'she' wanted to...?
Hm. She can't help that he...hates her? Unfortunately, she had no part in me leaving, nor did she desire to, so she's as much the victim in this as anyone, me and D are completely to blame. Unfortunately, I understand that doesn't spare his feelings on the matter, and I'm sorry he was hurt to the point of bitterness... I think her heart has just broken for it >< But it seems he's started over even if she hasn't...and I wouldn't want to get in the way or that. Surely he finds comfort enough in his current company nd shouldn't have to go through the pain of learning to accept an abhorrence.
We wish him all of the best.
Fledermaus's picture

Oh, I understand that it

Oh, I understand that it wasn't her decision or anything. He doesn't hate her, more like he's simply erased much of their relationship from his brain and doesn't wish to look back on it. Since she disappeared, seemingly for good this time, any memory or thought of her is just painful and so he's avoided thinking about her. That's not to say that they can't be friends again. It just might take time to get used to the idea of her coming back.
Seed's picture

Krym was glad Darcy could

Krym was glad Darcy could help him with his set earlier; Darcy really made an impression on him, so he'll be keeping his eyes open.

The sun had risen and the

The sun had risen and the hare-faced deer was up with it, spindly legs holding up its barrel body and swan's neck swooping down to meet that white face that was now gently bumping D's side. Was he awake, yet? The animal spoke softly, sweetly..

Sir.. ? Sir, are you alright.. ?

Shiori's picture

The stag shifted restlessly

The stag shifted restlessly in his sleep, the voice of his unseen companion rousing him from disturbing dreams. He curled into a tighter ball, flinching subconsciously from touch, then slowly allowed his mind to fall to darkness and his eyes open to the light. He blinked out at the world, then ticked his gaze to the side, eyes widening as he stared upon the giant rabbit that gazed down at him. In an instant he was on his feet, straining a few muscles and tendons with the move no doubt - he wasn’t as young as he used to be. He slid to a stop a spun around to face his imagined attacker a couple paces away, tensed and ready to fight. The morning breeze brushed his cheek. His cheek… He had left his mask behind in the dirt. He grit his teeth and focused on the stranger, or did his best to. His vision swam, clouded with sleep and the after effects of a drunken night. He closed his eyes and shook his head, which served only to cause it to ache.
“Uugh,” he groaned, staggering back before eyeing the spectacle before him through a slatted gaze. He was silent a moment.
“Oh…it’s…you,” he finally spoke, uncertain. It was no giant hare at all that stood before him, but an unusual assortment of deer and rabbit he had never laid eyes on before until last night. Last night…he had seen many things. Too many things. Was that even real? Those were some powerful drugs…
“Did you…follow me? Ugh…I feel like Alice in goddamn Wonderland, if you must know.“
Tralala's picture

It wasn't accustomed to being

It wasn't accustomed to being met with such fear- it never thought of itself as a frightening animal, but the hare-faced deer stood where it was as as the butterfly stag wheeled around on hoof. His staggering stirred concern in the odd animal, Yes.. I'm sorry, sir, you didn't seem well last night..

The pale rabbit-face shook gently from one side to the other, No, sir, I didn't.. I travel often and happened upon you. Do you.. want me to leave?

For a split second the strange animal almost looked disappointed- ashamed? It didn't understand the reference, but felt to blame. It's not every day you meet such a mix. Then again, the forest was home to beasts even more unusual and terrifying..


Shiori's picture

Darcy used the time it took

Darcy used the time it took for the stranger to speak to level his head and give him a better look over. No, this deer wasn’t so strange. The stag was not new to the odd array of beasts in the forest, mixed and matched as they were. After all, the love of his life was more bird then deer. Darcy himself was painfully average. One could hardly blame him for being astounded.
“I…I see. ,” he spoke uneasily, trying his best to register the other’s words in the haze of his own throbbing head. The look in the stranger’s large eyes was unmistakable. Disappointment? Why? Darcy sighed and flicked back his ears apologetically, his exposed brow furrowing in shame.
“No…I’m sorry. You startled me, is all. My head has spent the night conjuring up the most fearful things…a butterfly might have spooked me.
He paused and offered a small, lopsided smile.
“You noticed that, huh? Yes…it seems I’m not as cut out for such…gruesome, fanciful things as I’d hoped, eheh. I must have appeared a fool…But thank you for you’re concern. I’ll be fine in a little while.”
He approached slowly, uneasy on his feet, stepping up to his discarded mask and looking down at it thoughtfully. He didn’t like to be without it…but right now it didn’t seem to matter.
“You may stay if you wish…stranger. Ah, I am at a disadvantage it seems. What is your name?”
Tralala's picture

Its rabbit-nosed twitched and

Its rabbit-nosed twitched and wriggled as it listened. This one wasn't at all very talkative.. As Darcy spoke, dark eyes fell to the neglected mask contemplatively. It never saw the need for such devices. Why should someone cover their face? To some it was considered the most beautiful and expressive part of someone- anyone, and this hare's eyes could never take such things for granted.

The stag's questioning tone caught the creature's full attention,
Gruesome, sir..?

The hare-stag took a careful step back as his acquaintance approached. It wasn't frightened, but in new company, it felt best not to encroach on invisible territory.

Harefoot.. my name is Harefoot, sir.. thank you.


Shiori's picture

It was the scars he wished to

It was the scars he wished to conceal. Forever reminders marred the soft flesh of his face, announcing to the world what he’d done…what he’d tried to do, without saying anything at all. But what were scars to a stranger? Darcy owed his acquaintance no explanation.
“Gruesome, yes…forgive the adjective but any other fails me. I do not judge the characters of our new friends just yet but appearances alone are an obstacle to overcome, surely you cannot disagree,”
He studied the rabbit-faced deer a moment, noting that he had baked away and suspecting this conversation was not going as well as he’d hoped. He truly didn’t mean any offence…Sigh.
“You have nothing to be weary of, Harefoot. Heh, I apologize again, I am a bit out of practice in conversation and still a bit ill,”

"You have gained my

"You have gained my attention... only a bit."
Shiori's picture

Grins and tips his head. "I

Grins and tips his head.
"I am flattered"

Glad I found this bio, I

Glad I found this bio, I recognized his set and lovely picto. My little fawn, Quinn, is laying with Darcy at this moment near the mushroom ring with the rabbit in it. c:
Shiori's picture

Aww, hey! It's quite unusual

Aww, hey! It's quite unusual for a fawn to stay seated for so long, lol, I was getting curious. Thanks for hanging out with D ^^ Love your little one.
gglidden's picture

Very beautiful bio! Man, I

Very beautiful bio! Man, I wish I can make creative bios like yours. Also, I think I met your deer a couple of times in the forest.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
Shiori's picture

Lol, um...thank you! Though I

Lol, um...thank you! Though I don't think it's anything special compared to a lot of the other awesome bios here hehe. I believe our deer played today yes? The crow? Was fun :3
gglidden's picture

Yes, I was that crow, and I

Yes, I was that crow, and I had fun running....flying.....flyrunning everywhere.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
gglidden's picture

I played with you last nightn

I played with you last nightn and now I see you as a minideer.
Ring The Bells That Still Can Ring.
Forget Your Perfect Offering.
There Is A Crack In Everything.
That's How The Light Gets In.

(A part of the lyrics of Leonard Cohen's Song "Anthem")
toboe's picture

Dear Darcy, You belong to

Dear Darcy,
You belong to Rowan me.
OokamiAzura's picture


opal's picture

Mama lu's you, hon', bu'choo

Mama lu's you, hon', bu'choo gon' hav'to keep yo' tempa' dahn' when she' dancin'. Mama Op'l won' hav'n peop'l show'n' de'ah be'hin's, noooo sir! Jus' dance, sug'!
Shiori's picture

-Stares at little doe in

-Stares at little doe in bewilderment- "Err...Sorry...ma'am? You are a... very good dancer, heh."
opal's picture

The little white doe gave a

The little white doe gave a quick, serious nod of her head, though that toothy smile remained plastered from cheek to cheek, and rattled on again in her Cajun slur, "Dat's w'at Mama likes ta he'ah, I don' wan' to get nas'e 'caus'n you can' keep yo' he'd on'. We can' ahl get a'long peaceful'y if'n we trah, oui?" She didn't seem the LEAST bit modest to the compliment, oh no, "Ayeeee! Merci, amende de danse, mon garçon! Les' dance age'n sum'tahm, oui?"
Shiori's picture

His amber eyes shown with

His amber eyes shown with brimming amusement though his lips pursed to hold back a fighting grin.
"If we try ma'am." he chuckled, shaking his head.
"It would be a pleasure..."
Zergarikiaka's picture

You might want to add these