
Swifttail's picture
Hey everyone! I'm still alive! Laughing out loud
...and my modem is being moody.
It's chip needs fixed/replced and we're fixing it soon, so I'll be on waaaaay longer. ^^
I've learned somethin' since being ....
Swifttail: Solitary?
Duskfyre: Lonesome?
Me:.....ahem. Isolated from the community because of this......
Duskfyre: Problem?
Me:THAT'S ENOUGH FROM YOU TWO. Be quiet plz. ..problem. I've learned that I miss the sociality. So soon you'll be hearing from me that I'm connected again soon.
And yes, MidnightShadows, I'd love it if you'd help me get my set. ^^ And I'll say on this if I got it fixed. Which deer of yours will help? I need to know what picto to look for.^^
Swifttail's picture



Signature/avatar are WIP.