Captured Deer Orbs seen in Human Lines

Standing on the edge of the forest I saw humans lining up everywhere. They must be hungry. With small satchels and pieces of paper in hands they rant and rave as others thrust sticks with large squarish colorful fall leaves in the air. Some bark, others murmur quietly. Into the cave hole of their large structures they enter. When they come out they smile and are more normal again. You know which ones eat deer meat. It flits across their face. Like the orbs near the ruins. Captured deer orbs crying to be let free. How do you snatch those from the humans? If I call out they will notice I am watching. If I dance the music will start. Might try a neck hug and may be the deer orb will embrace and I can take back to the forest. Mother deer may be a good place to put them so they can float during the abiogensis or special community times. Humans warring. Stay safe and hidden.