Bleeding Heart Part I

An account of a plot following and based upon events in the forest in which Mystress and Azazel meet.

In a flash, everything I'd ever known was threatened. Everyone I'd ever loved, cared for, revered-- was under attack by the mere presence of one.

"I---I know you're here....." My voice rang out into the chilled autumn air. My rough fur was lifted up with a strong icy gust of air that shifted nothing other than my confidence. It told me, he was here.
"Oh do you my sweet peach?" His voice rumbled the dead leaves my brittle hooves stood upon. I felt my throat tighten, I must stay strong.
"Y-Yes.... I-I can't see you... But you are... here..." What is this? Is this my voice? Trembling from evil? Evil... itself?
"Yes...yes I am. You do not see me? Oh what a delight!" His voice mocked the apparent fear in my own. My heart thumped faster in this vessel of a body. It was then, I felt my legs tremble beneath me, I realized every second this puppet of my un-natural body was crumbling, I could feel my energy drain.
"I-- can sense you... evil like you should not be here..... here....." my voice began to feel so small, I was beginning to feel powerless, as if all hope had been lost. Everything i stood for was beginning to be placed in a dusty shelf int he corner of my mind. Not even a shadow secured his physical presence to me, but I could feel him. Looming over me.

"Should not could not, what little point that makes. I am here my darling, my dear...And I have no intention of leaving. Not when there are such tasty treats as you about!" A change of pressure in the air, began to make me feel dizzy, and my eyelids began to shut on me. My vision became a tunnel of darkness, and it was then my legs began to fold under me. I had not the strength to stableize my own body now. I could feel him pressing.

I forced myself to stand, this was not the end! My weak bones cracked under me, and held so much more weight. I dashed off, running along the border of the birch forest and the first. Fawns, fawns everywhere. Unaware of my distress, I wished them not to see Mystress-- the Mother of Light fleeing from an enemy, whom she could crush with her heel. Then why aren't you doing it? Fool!
"Run! Run! Run away! Do you not want to play!?" A shreiking laugh shattered the forest, and his dark presence was once again on my heels. My foot caught a root, and I was thrown into the muddy leaves. "I---I... cant...." I tried to stand again, my lungs were exploding in my throat, my heart no different. I looked around me, seeing no one. And not feeling him. I took in a shaky breath.
"I cant run.... Y-You.... Don't. I can't...."
"Can't? Can't my dear? Can't what?" His breath, filled with toxic smoke poured over my face, I stepped up on one leg, it was no use. I fell once again as I felt a cold hoof upon my back. I couldn't call out! I could not lure anyone else to suffer this fate! But oh, the pain... "Please, leave... here."
He roared in laughter.
"Oh and a please! A please she gives me! Oh how I should bow before your little please, your little simpering WORTHLESS PLEASE!" The weight was transferred from my back to my neck. My eyesight was leaving once again and my heart slowed. This was it.

Hooves came thundering my way, I could hear her breath-- Kaoori! She threw herself at the demon, who tumbled to the ground. With great effort I pulled myself to my feet.
"Kaoori! Run!" I turned, to see her thrown off him with a great roar, he thundered toward me. Speed was not on my side today, nor will it be anyday. This body, this host dealt never in the physical way of things... but it was now I wished The Creator had given me a more suitable one, that which could both protect itself and flee when it had to... this one could do neither!

There was nowhere to go, and the crying idol was coming up ahead, mourning for me it seemed. The future was looking bleak. I could not bring light to this demon! I could not run, everything was slowing down... I can't....
I threw myself into the river of the tears of the stone idol, close to the bridge. My body felt a surge of icy-water shatter against my fur. I turned... his precence was not next to or over me... Kaoori jumped in the river also and it was now I could see her tired eyes and her bleeding flesh, and yet her spirit was not broken, and here I was ready to give up... I felt a wave of shame pass over me. She called out so loud it made me take a step back.
"Get the hell out!!"
I could hear his irritated breathing, his hooves thundered upon the bank above us. He would not come closer."Miserable light-scaled siren! I will END you!"
Kaoori hissed, my mind was not well.
"DAMN YOU AND ALL OF THE SPAWN BEFORE YOU! MISERABLE HAG!!" His hoof beats flew into the direction of the birch forest, where I hoped I would not see him again soon.
"Go now into the very center of this burning earth to serve your master. It is not here you may crawl." I hushed under my breath. Suddenly Kaoori was standing over me, and i was submerged in the river's water.
Kaoori's picture

Don't be messin' with

Don't be messin' with Kaoori's mom. >:|
I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
Baal's picture

lmfao @ Kaoori! XDD And

lmfao @ Kaoori! XDD

And this, this is full of so much win! I dub thee new owner of over 9000 internets. XDDDD Freakin' awesome Myst, you got psycho down to a T. :3

D: *huggles Mystress* poor

D: *huggles Mystress* poor old girl, at least Kaoori was there to protect her!
God I've missed your writing lol, even being short, it's go so much energy in it, and I had almost forgotten about Mystress not being able to see evil...veeryyy problematic xD

I'm glad you all liked it.

I'm glad you all liked it. Poor Kaoori has been having some serious problems as of late, and then throw psyco into the mix-- there are going to be problemmmssss....

Awww, Baal thanks so much! I had an excellent time trying to capture his "leeching" presence, without description of a body. THIS IS HARD.

Tera! Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy my writing, I can tell you I miss your SO MUCH. I have not abandoned LB's story with Lynnet, I just really need to figure out where it's supposed to be going. Same thing with Mystress' story. GAH! Well, this one has an in-forest plot... and a few of us know how it's going to go, beginning middle and end, and I'm SO excited to play it out.

The more people following this storyline, the more people will know what's going on and what has happened. :>
You're hardly on MSN! D8

Zergarikiaka's picture


Awesome writing! So intense, and gripping.

Fledermaus's picture

CM. You are amazing with

CM. You are amazing with words, and now I am jealous. C:
Seriously though, this is awesome in every way. Poor Mystress, I hate to see her harmed. :< You can rest assured that if any of my deer catch a sight of Azazel going after her, there will be some major ass kickage (yes, even Fled has his breaking point 8D).

Oh Zerg, it is FAR from

Oh Zerg, it is FAR from over. Thank you so much for your support there is going to be a lot more action following...!! <3 <3 <3

Fled: Thanks so much!! I never really thought my writing was anything spectacular... Yeah I know, Mystress would never want to see anyone harmed though because of what someone did to her, especially someone like Fled. Keep following the plot, there is more to come! <3 <3