Blackhoof Bat

Blackhoof's picture
Jeeze... I can't remeber any deer's name. And I
didn't get a pic of them either so listen up those two grey deer
today. If you can't recal which Ihope you do read this quick passage.

So...Blackhoof and this other deer where
changing our colors ever so happily. When this wet
lil' deer creeps out of the water. I wasn't sure who she/he was
but I know she probably fell into the water lossing her ourfit.

So me and the other deer decided to help. After many days and I'm just kiding.
After a few minutes we got her/he's coat back. So next on the list was antlers and mask.
We got he/she the deer mask and the gazelle antlers. Then we ran sat around flashing colors
and ect. Then we ran over to this mushroom circle where a stag was sleeping.

Soon we where flashing coats again! Then the stag awakened. He said nothing but he turned around and looked at me then turned me into a bat. The stags laughed...and a fawn who also was flashing
with us laughed too. We bounced around then ran off to the broken castel thing. I wish we could've stayed with the stag but we where off like a light.

That's pretty much it...we just got off after that. So I don't know
the two grey stags name...But one was grey (oblivously) wearing an orca mask,
other grey gazelle antlers, deer mask.

Wrote so much! By know the probably made there own blog about it!
But please my staggy or doe freinds tell me who you are?
The Wormwood's picture

The gray with the orca mask

The gray with the orca mask was Grim actually! I was trying to figure out who the two of you were, but since I know absolutely no one yet I hadn't a clue. *grin* I actually just posted a screenshot of Grim and Blackhoof-as-bat!