Been a while eh?

Yeah yeah, i know i havnt been in the forest......
ok, so most of the time when i try to go in the forest, EPIC FAIL.
anyone else having this problem??

anywayyyy, im uploading some art of my "human deer" prancer,
as a "human" of course if you didnt catch that.
.....shirtless *wink wink* ?

still looking for an art of my fawn!
hurry before it's too late, my fawn becomes a stag on febuary 3rd or 4th and no delays!
(aging is not stopable people!) (even in a virtual forest with virtual deer with human like faces!)

so please let me know if i can draw anything for you, edit anything for you, (me?) (yes you! right there in the middle facing your computer screen!) *points*
because im bored and school makes me bored(er) i think you can say boreder..... <.<
nah idk.

oh yeah febuary,
when my fawn becomes a stag,
here comes mate finding! so heads up doe's ;D!