Attreu's Little Sister. o:

Burro's picture
Introducing Mute, Attreu's very shy little sister! If you see her, say hello--but don't be surprised if she's afraid of you at first. ^^

Name: Mute

Meaning: She can't speak/moo. ;3; Unless I accidentally hit the button.

Gender: Doe

Age: Adolescent


How to remember it: Err... Really, I don't know. ^^; A 4 on top of a bullet?

Friends: None

Mate: none

Mute is a very timid doe; she gets rather frightened if there are too many deer around, and will flee in terror if too many approach. She can't make verbal noises, and so often taps the ground or rears on her hind legs if she needs to get attention, sometimes running in circles like her brother if she knows and trusts the deer she's with.
Often she looks sad, roaming or sulking when no one else is around. She may not necessarily feel bad, but when she's deep in thought she can come across as very morose.

She's still a fawn, and the only thing I know for certain is she'll have the midnight-blue pelt and smallish antlers. xD Any suggestions/spell-spamming will determine the rest.

-Pine cones
-Giant Mushrooms
- Long walks through the forest or near the ruins.
- Resting near the pond or other area.

- She abhors large crowds, and will avoid them whenever possible.
- She also doesn't like overly persistent/obnoxious deer; she'll run away from you at first, but if you tick her off too badly she may sick her brother on you.

Location: She's usually by the crying idol or the twin god's statues.

HAY THAR ;o I saw her today;


I saw her today; how cuuute. <333