An appearance of deer activity at college

Field and forest appeared in the halls of academia last week. Elder deer with their ancient skull smiles came out of orchestra to take a fawn classical pianist under their wing to protect from the cold fog bellowing from some stump lectern by those who think they lead but really bully. Banned from Endless Forest classical deer fawn had an assignment she bravely went to without hesitation. Later deer gathered in small groups to discern the needs. Good thing since the Wicked Orchestra game began that day. Sitting in the glen as a group in the hollow of what once was a classroom became a large tree. An exotic blonde haired Asian Afro deer entered the room called Vashtic and pentatoniced us all. The devil wind went round and swayed the high pitched female deer but not the men except for the head musician deer who gravitated to the high pitched deers and began to instruct in a manner we all knew would be the end of the endless forest. Stalking the mother mid voice deer they finally managed to trap her into a parrot routine on a Hallelujah. She turned a circle in place to dislodge the offending pentatonic spell then stepped off the small ledge the high pitched deer had demanded earlier she join with them by a single step forward. Before her hoof hit the ground two ancient male deer stood beside her as a third male deer barked and then spelled the head musician deer who suddenly dismissed the deer chorus. The ancient male deer grinned that special smile known so well and with a come hither curve of the head toward the door she followed as the Django deer singing softly a jazz tune as they passed back into the glen hallway. They stepped into the next hollow tree to check on the director deer of french creamy brown coffee color splashing his stick rod in and out to white hat the orchestra as the evil concertmaster deer in all his blackness continue to poof grrreman sludge at us. Giving the director french deer a ball of energy the ancient deer whisked us back out picking up the classical piano fawn as we all dashed out the grove of academia into the misty night smiling we had escaped... with one less bellow into the wind we scattered to live another free day with no rules Wicked Wicked Game


Hark upon the return to the forest of academia who should appear but the ancient of ancients classical piano deer whose movements blew fresh winds through the forest hall glen. It curled into the hollow tree classroom to cleanse all and scoop up those who had fought the good fight. Swooping to take care of widowed classical deer fawn he began to reformat the classical deer musicians in ways that will help. Thankful for the help from the Endless Forest that finally after long years opened the realm to his wisdom he obtained the Wicked Wicked concert master and began to reset the community to what it once was. Carnegie Hall deer ready to serve their communities in all the niches and ways community embedded musicians do. The ancient of ancient deer has visited many glens globally including the origin point of Endless Forest and then off to the tower where wine brooks flow... and he took up community embedded deer to teach them how to watch over that which he set right