antics of this week - image heavy!

Zergarikiaka's picture
I took WAAAAAY too many screenies. Unfortunatly it's starting to take forever for screenshots to appear for selection for photobucket, and loading takes a while, so eh, I just chose screenshots at random for this blog.
Random order as well. :/ VEEEEERY out of order.

Zerg found the endless road...

Hanging out in the lake...

Dance Line

Everybody throw your hooves in the air!

Head tilt syncing. I think I missed the screenie in the random upload.


Naked with friends. (Zerg: again! *blush*)

Bridge trolls

Racing! Zerg didn't understand that they were racing until the third lap from fallen log to stump and back. At that point she really decided to show just how ridiculously fast she is!

Hanging out with Scape.

And with Scape N' Seed. Us three together is a recipe for craziness. XD

Scary purple smoke of doom!

How could anyone ever feel lonely with all these deer around?

Nothing cuter than a water sitting fawn listening to the fish...

Mar Sart spellspamming!

Getting out of the rain... what's with that tree? .... Spade?!
Pegasicorn's picture

XD Nothing was gonna pull

XD Nothing was gonna pull Spade from that tree.

And I find this shot cute for some reason. XD Dunno what Scape's doing.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Zergarikiaka's picture

I think that's from when he

I think that's from when he was trying to dig up that rock. XD But I agree, it looks like a cute moment.

I'm a bit weird, but so is everyone else in the world, thus weird is normal and normal is weird. This in mind, I'm actually a little normal, and anyone who is completely normal might really be a serial killer. <- My logic. True self quote.