Antics 11-2 to 4-08: Bubbled

Pegasicorn's picture
I've been having internet trouble, so I haven't gotten to post these screenshots yet. Nor have I played TEF since the morning of the 4th.
So for now, enjoy these.

Scape having fun as a fawn:

"It lifts me right off the ground..."

Success. X]


Then enter Magnet, who first paid his respects:

Then he found a reason to call out for once:

Just stare into the wonder... (XD Had to.)
He even found Anzel! =D

Even the ninja-deer Kinsha found himself having fun! He was oddly a bit social too. o.o But first he paid his own respects while he could..

He kinda moped for awhile...

(I got a bit artsy with the soft effect. XD; )

Until his bubble-calls attracted attention.

Giving the chimney a purpose with Draak. XD

Ok, that is all for now.
Hope to get this wire trouble with the internet fixed this week. If not, next week.
Ruderr's picture

whadda heck. a house. wow

whadda heck. a house. wow gee.
~ Ruderr :;: Die :;: Rikuo ~
Draak's picture

Bubble chimney = win xD lol

Bubble chimney = win xD

lol I still have to go through my bubble shots XD