Antics 10-26 to 27-08

Pegasicorn's picture
The Big Zombie Deer's influencing all my posts lately. Laughing out loud

Ok, so the server was being really weird the other day. I had Magnet in, hoping to see a certain someone, but thanks to the server's glitchiness, they couldn't log in. He got kinda annoyed and...ended up ranting to the dragonflies. ^^;

His mood brightened, though, when Auriea made an appearance! =D At first I wasn't completely sure if that was her picto I was seeing on the border, but then it started to rain. o.o That confirmed it, and the chase was on. It ended in the Blue Bowl with a dance with the God before she faded from the Forest, leaving the rain behind.

I heard that the rain was mixing with the fog around the Big Zombie Deer, so Magnet headed over there to check it out.

The big guy was still out of it.

I think he was pouting then. ^^;
Well..his mood had improved a little, but not enough, so Scape switched in when the crowd got bigger. He got some cool shots of his own.

Check out the Playground. It looked darker out than normal.

Trinket and Scape went to the BZD to check if he had woken up yet, but he was still asleep. So they decided to become mini-zombies. =] Then I had to disconnect the internet for a second. Needed to switch the wires so the tv would work again. ^^; When Scape came back to the Forest, not only had the rain disappeared (only to him), but he had a clone. O.o So of course he sat on it.

Then a dance line started up.

And, just because I could...

Scape waited around for a good while afterwards, to see if the BZD might wake up. He never did. But Drium made an appearance. Their totem-dancing seemed to draw a crowd.

Onto yesterday...
My night class was canceled, so I got home earlier than normal, but for some reason, I was pretty tired. So I sent Radeon in just to walk around and take some nice shots.

Magnet entered the Forest later, but some strange stuff kept happening due to my internet being unstable. o.o

Off with your head? The reflection adds some contradiction.

Thar be two. Again with the disagreeing reflection.
A little later, after the Forest went into "circling/spy mode", I made it refocus on Magnet. Only...he was floating. Sleep-floating. O.o I didn't do it! I couldn't get a shot either, cuz I had the menu up. If I'd taken it down he would've gone back to earth. Didn't feel like doing that yet. XD
After that was some dancing around the still-sleeping BZD, meeting Pent, switching to Scape, who jogged circles around a tree with Trinket, and staring at the BZD. He was still asleep when Scape left.
I notice that sometime while I was typing this that the Zombie's picto has left the map. Did he finally wake up tonight?
Noekie's picture

WOW 1 god and the big zombie

WOW 1 god and the big zombie COOL MAN Exclaim

D'AAAAAWWWWWW -savesVessXypic



........ AWWWWW

- - -

Pegasicorn's picture

I cannot pass up such

I cannot pass up such perfect opportunities for pictures. X]

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
The Wannabe Ninja